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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. One more week jewel... And you have 1 month done and dusted... This is a massive achievement....what your accomplishing is flippin Amazin... You are strong ..you are fighting ... Can you imagine how horrible talking a puff would be now..your throat would burn..your lungs would hurt.. You would be devastated..no.keep marchin..
  2. 4..you guys blowing your own trumpets again..
  3. He's following his uncle Jed ...catching his critters...
  4. Lol...yes..its finally happened to R!!!....join the rest of us ...
  5. I don't mind a wet t shirt..or huddling under a rock with you for 45 mins either..fun weekend ...
  6. -1
  7. My sleep was really messed up too..after a few weeks it settled down..it can be draining.. Try some relaxing excersises... Hope you get some rest tonight ..x
  8. 00
  9. Well done...keep going ...
  10. https://youtu.be/Y7LiLIUS1iU My fav !!!!
  11. It gets better ahead..just keep pushing forward...are you rewarding yourself.???? Treats are so important....it's your big pat on the back ,for all your hard work ...x
  12. Life without cigs ,just keeps getting better Jewel..your a lovely non smoker...feel proud !!!!
  13. Will I smoke today..?....A Big Fat NOPE !!!!!
  14. -2
  15. What about the chiggers,I've heard about..don't want them in my pants.. But a cold shower and a beer sounds good..I like hiking... So a good weekend..on dry land at least ...
  16. Powerful post... Living with C.O.P.D...those who know me well ..know my hubby is at end stage emphysema... Don't be misled by the word end.....this can last for years and years... Can you imagine fighting for every scrap of air..having carers come in to shower you...being taken to the bathroom.. So many tablets ,they come in blister pack..4 different inhalers.. On and off oxygen tanks and machines... Respite care... Scared to lie down to go to sleep..need help to get in and out of bed... Pneumonia... Always lurking... All this and alot more... Still think quitting is hard... No need for replies ...I know xxxx
  17. Well done Beazel..keep going !!!
  18. Maybe you should get one of these....solved..
  19. -2..eh up..your wanted on the phone ..
  20. https://youtu.be/GYuYtgzqLjo A little bit of guilty pleasure...
  21. -2
  22. On my way..just having a rest...too many Eddy,s...or...have I got to cope with the big daddy..lol...

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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