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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. -1
  2. I dont miss trying to light a cig in the wind...only for some ash to blow straight in my eye.. And blind me for a minute or two..rub my sore eye..only to have mascara rub all over my face.. Oh the good times.. What don't you miss ???
  3. Great idea..indoor fishing !!!
  4. Congrats pixie... Yes missing you both around here..pop in soon xxx
  5. You've got it Jewel... Take smoking off the table..no matter what..well done !!!!
  6. -2
  7. Oh wow Dee.sorry to hear this...how crap...very painful... Hope your on the road to recovery..take care .xx
  8. -2
  9. -4... Morning.. In the right road ..this morning..good work chicks...
  10. Come here and bellow away...we understand what's happening.. Have you thought of doing a blog.???....its something to look back on..im sorry I didn't..it would have been great reading now...and a great reminder just how far I've travelled...give it some thought.. Stay strong..you are doing great..and should feel very proud...x
  11. Wow..D... You have alot of furry friends... They are lovely..I do have a soft spot for the boxer dog.. They are so friendly... I've wondered would Ted like a companion..not sure he would mix..he's been the boss for 3 years..
  12. Glad to hear your trip to the dentist wasn't as bad as you thought..our minds are really our worst enemy... I will be checking EFT..I'm one of those folks who just have to go and have a look ,and maybe a try ..when someone mentions something I've not heard of... It just might be the one good thing you have been looking for...x
  13. You !!!!!!.....still smoking ????
  14. 1..
  15. 3
  16. Jewel.. Well done ,having another smoke free day..this is how we all did it...taking it day by day.. Keep reading here..all old posts too...fhere is always something that hits home...and the information sticks... I remember repeating NOPE.. At least a million times a day.. I can only promise you..the magic will happen... Different stages for different folks..but it always happens.. You have you keep your precious quit of course...
  17. 2 months already..keep marchin jules !!!!
  18. This is my boy...his name is Ted..because he's my teddy bear... Where I am...he is... What's your pet called and why ????
  19. Three
  20. 3

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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