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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. Hi Shanakor.. Welcome go this magical place..if you want to quit smoking..then yes this is the exact place for you.. There is tons of useful info here ,to get you started..make sure you read all the pinned posts on out main page .. They have a green box at the side.. Take smoking off the table..no matter what..this is what kept me going...my junkie brain understood this. No matter what you are feeling ..or what's happening around you...don't stick anything in your mouth and light it.. Learn your way around the board...post post post..so important... Looking forward to travelling with you..on your journey ...
  2. -13...morning peeps...
  3. I was here ..24/7...my sleep pattern was so messed up...that little monster has so much fun ,playing with my head.. I got myself a punching pillow...sent it flying across the room on many occasions... It is all temporary...keep busy..jigsaws..crosswords...painting..anything to keep your mind occupied... Don't forget your treats..rewarding yourself is very important..after all..what you are doing is amazing...
  4. I throw on my 29,802...cancer sticks...burn bright you buggers...
  5. Doreensfree


    Lol..we in the pool call it hols..I was being posh... Listened to the news about Texas ,while I was across the pond...bad... We don't get anything like it..but still manage to moan...speaking of Texas... Has MLC been effected by this..anyone heard from him...?????? Aww lunch with DD..sounds like a plan ....
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  11. Your body is going through some massive changes..it has to catch up with your brain... It's used to being fed chemicals on a daily basis...keep reminding yourself..your body is healing,and all is temporary. Soon you should start feeling the little benifits..your nose will start to wake up..things will smell stronger.. Taste..things should taste better... Keep marching...
  12. -2
  13. Hello and welcome aboard.. Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself..the beniefts are endless.. Buckle up..it's a roller coaster of a ride.. Read all you can here ..knowledge... This is your weapon ,to fight the monster... Stay close..post often...we are here to help ,anyway we can..we want you to succeed... Looking forward to getting to know you better...
  14. 1
  15. We were all addicts... I lost thousands of quits..if the grass was too green..I would lose a quit and smoke...we know exactly how you feel.. This is a brand new quit..and your sticky ,if you want it bad enough.. I smoked 52 years ..didn't know ,how to be a adult ,without my crutch.. I stayed here,I listened I learnt,I joined in..I helped others..it worked... Having stumps in a ash tray..would not have worked for me..I needed to clear myself of all smoking reminders.. If you want a bad smell ..put them in a jar,with a little water..take that smell in..o.m.g...gross.... Your a fabulous non smoker... You don't need them hanging around.. Trust me.xx
  16. Bjean.. As a smoker we live under that black cloud..I want to smoke but... What if.. Quitting removed that fear... Living in constant fear is no life at all... Copd / emphysema.. Is not living ,it's existing... Stay strong..the rewards will be endless... Well done for posting a SOS..I've seen countless of quits saved, Stay close here...very close.. Keep posting...x
  17. 3..this chicks back !!!
  18. I havnt a clue..I'm with Nancy..
  19. Congrats piggy... Never doubted you...Holidays are so much better ,don't have to worry about looking for acceptable places to have a fix.. Proud of you Reci...xx
  20. Sorry I'm late Leanna , Wow 5 years...you have been a massive part of my quit... Quitting changed your life ,and you have had the great award .our little prince... Love you guys xxx
  21. Sorry I'm late for your special day gem... Huge congrats...
  22. Hi and welcome bjean.. You have been given some great advice... I can only add,that the more knowledge you have,the more strength you will have,to fight this monster.. Don't over think ..our minds are our worst enemies... Nice and steady ..1 day at a time...worry about tomorrow...tomorrow... What you are achieving is life changing..and so rewarding in every sense... Keep reminding yourself ,of how amazing you are... Looking forward to getting to know you better.. Congrats for finding this wonderful place..xx

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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