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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. Yahoooo it's two !!!
  2. Doreensfree


  3. -1..tough titty !!!
  4. Well done ..keep going !!!!
  5. Great news KT...take it steady...one day at a time...one minute if you have too...Take smoking or Vaping off the table no matter what going on in your life.. I agree do the daily NOPE post..it makes you stronger... I would stay clear of the chicks and sticks game...you will more than likely suffer from combustion..lol... Glad your here !!!!
  6. -1..hi peeps xx
  7. My story ....or our story.... Smoking done its deed ,with hubby and myself...he lives with end stage emphysema... He's now housebound and needs full time care...fighting to breath...this has lead to depression ,anxiety and panic attacks..he depends on me for everything.even bathroom duties...he is frightened knowing its a progressive illness..very sad . I faced having my two feet amputated ,if I didn't quit right away..even then there was a chance it was too late for me.. Thankfully it was successful... Smoking effects different parts of the body..I thought because my lungs were OK..nothing was wrong... It wasn't until I couldn't ignore something was dreadfully wrong with my circulation ,I seeked help.. Now we are at the age when we should be enjoying our retirement,like we imagined..we cannot do any of the things we would have enjoyed... If anyone who has not quit reads this..quit now ...we didn't think this would happen to us either..
  8. -3
  9. Aww...I love him...you are so lucky... I have my own boy too..little boo boo bear...
  10. So glad your back Jess...you can do it !!!
  11. -3
  12. Hello and welcome... Freeing yourself of slavery to addiction is the most wonderful rewarding thing you can do... I was a 52 year smoker..and with the help of these fine people ,I am now free... Read,read ,all you can ,stay close,post often ,we are here to get you through this.. Quitting is a journey ,with lots of bends in the track...buckle up.. We have a daily pledge..it's a promise to yourself ,not to put anything in your mouth and smoke it ,for 1 day... You can do it...all you need is the desire to be smoke free...
  13. -1
  14. A Big Fat NOPE !!!
  15. Enjoy your day MQ...
  16. 00.sometimes life's a bitch...
  17. Good win ladies...boo was driven out ...
  18. Delighted...a good win xx
  19. Yaaaaa...good work pixie..saved the day x
  20. -19...no chance...
  21. -19..a chick will be here soon ...

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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