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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. Thought I would share with you all, just in case you are interested... I have been given Linseeds..these are supposed to benieft men and women is so many ways... Soak them overnight in water to soften them...1 to 3 tablespoons ...I add mine to my porridge.. Check them out... Fish oil capsules... 2 a day....brain food....also very good to mention healthy body.... Check them out.... These two items cover most of your body... It's worth trying... Ladies...hair ,nails,menopause symptoms...it covers these too...x
  2. Oh ..I'm better out here ,than in the kitchen..trust me !!!!
  3. -5
  4. -5
  5. I agree with MQ... I too still have smoking thoughts..mostly horrible ones ,when I come in close contact with a smoker YUK !!! I hope never to get complacent with my quit..and want to remember the nightmare smoking was and always will be... We carnt control what thoughts we get during the day...but we can control how we react to them... Well done Jess ..keep marchin..
  6. -6...morning quit train peeps...still in your favour I see... Jay...your a sneaky stick...say nothing ...just post quiet numbers..mmmmm....I've got my eye on you... Hi boo ♥♥♥
  7. Just for today NOPE !!!
  8. Well done Kenzie..4 months is a great quit..keep climbing !!!!
  9. -10..hi Nancy...yaaaaa
  10. -9
  11. -9..boo..how much do you love me...whaha...
  12. Throw a number in the counting game...I'm lonely...x
  13. -9..oh no...I'm surrounded...
  14. -9
  15. -9...
  16. Sending my prayers Dee...please stay strong ..we are here ...if and when you need a friend.... Your mom sounds like a wonderful person ...xxxxx
  17. -9
  18. -8...hi peeps...
  19. Wow.!!!!!
  20. -8..morning
  21. There will be no reason on earth I will smoke today..!!!!
  22. -7... Looks fun !!
  23. -7... Lol...it's like watching paint dry...!!!!...shall we get lost in the woods ????

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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