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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. When I was in the grip of addiction ..over 5 decades..I didn't care what my lungs looked like.. It's only now that I've quit..I worry... And care whether I've dodged the bullet.. I carnt imagine puffing on one of those cancer sticks now...
  2. -8. Morning Quit Train
  3. Wow !! 9 months already..how fast time goes by ,when your having fun.. This place wouldn't be the same without our lovely piggy...thank you for all you do ... The lido is on the horizon..hugs xx
  4. Yes indeed..well done x
  5. https://youtu.be/MIoFe6xDGsg Keep marchin !!!
  6. Head for the NOPE thread Lisa...I'll see you there xx
  7. Well-done... A quarter of a year already..keep marchin !!!
  8. -4 you wish stewpot !!!
  9. -3
  10. Oh !!!...once seen never forgotten...
  11. -3 hey what you doing here ??...ladies morning only ..
  12. -3
  13. -1
  14. 1..let's go !!
  15. Mine was the first version of The Gorgon..in the 60s..... I was too young to see this...but sneaked in... Boy !!!...I crapped myself ..and was scared stiff for weeks...slept with the light on.. Self inflicted...
  16. Good for you..your on top of this .. Remember ..even non smokers have shitty days too...it's life's curve balls...xx
  17. Aww..crickey,sorry to hear your job is so full on on..dealing with the public can at times ..can stretch your nerves ,to say the least..your doing really well..and I'm proud of you... Have I got any advice..mmmm...try chewing regular gum...keeps your mouth and brain busy.... Keep reminding your self..what your achieving is flippin Amazin...your bettering your life for you,your family.. No matter what other folks are getting up too..you will not lose your quit .repeat after me !!! Smoking is not on the table..ever... I was once told very early in my quit...its OK to wobble..just make sure you don't fall over... Every day is a new day...xx
  18. 3 morning peeps..mmmmm...on the wrong side this morning ...
  19. Boo is very obsessive over his canoes !!!
  20. TWO !!!...dam...I thought we could sqeeze into one..gutted !!!!
  21. Hi and welcome aboard Lisa... I don't have to tell you the importance of quitting ,if you have emphysema... My hubby is on end stage of this illness so you could say I'm a little bit of a expert on this matter.. You do need to stay quit NOW !!!! We can get you there if you want it bad enough. Read all you can here,especially the green pinned post ,these are on the main discussion board.. Taking our daily pledge..this is a great way to start your day..its a promise to yourself ,you won't smoke for the next 24. Hours... We quit one day at a time... Learning there is NO such thing at ! Just one !...as addicts we can not have just one ... Take smoking off the table ,no matter what your feeling..and no matter what is happening in your life.. You can quit..let's make this your last quit... Looking forward to getting to know you better...x
  22. Sorry I late..time zones !!! Well done for staying strong..and out smarting the nico monster... Keep winning your battles...it will get easier..see you in the nope posts ..x

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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