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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. Aww fabulous Dee..it looked good fun...well done for posting and thank you...x
  2. 4
  3. 4 hi Joe x
  4. 3
  5. Have lovely day x
  6. After watching half of A Nightmare On Elm Street 1..which freaked me out. I have never been able to watch any of them..even now..the thought of Freddie scares the crap out of me.. I was scared to go asleep... For a long time.. For me..I think this has been the most scarey...
  7. Funny !!!
  8. This was sad reading P. I am sorry your sister never found freedom to both her addictions..but.. Great news you have found yours...its hard watching someone you love self destructing...xx
  9. 3 morning xx
  10. -1
  11. A big fat 0
  12. A good slap from the chicks today ..high five !!!
  13. Well chicks... A walk in the park !!!
  14. -19... Bring it to the chicks xx
  15. -17
  16. -15
  17. Take each day as it comes...we all have good and bad days sweetheart... Tomorrow is a brand new day..keep going ..your doing fab !!!..give yourself a huge pat on the back xxxx
  18. -12
  19. -10
  20. False.... Not at all.... NP.likes to take a gamble
  21. -8..jay your up early !!!!

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