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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. It's scan day....no smoking here NOPE !!!
  2. Humkns Huge congratulations Joe...so happy you have joined the 4 year quit club.... It's a been a honour ,it's been fun,and a pleasure to have travelled and met one of life,s ..true gent .... Have a great day Joe...I will be the first to go to the bar...xx
  3. True...Sorta.. Kinda..you can use my bathroom anytime...lol... NP..like to iron....
  4. -3
  5. -3
  6. Some cheating going on again by the sticks!!!! Bakon you could be -3... Joe you should be -2 And I'm -3..
  7. I took my first puff in 1961..at the young tender age of eleven... I hung around with older kids, and wanted to be !!! Just like them !!!! By twelve I was a addict... What does a eleven year old care about ???....health related illnesses..... Not alot.... Smoking back then was made to look so cool... Even when I had my two babies in the seventies....it was OK to smoke on the ward...after all we deserved a smoke didn't we ????? Abby is right the tobacco companies always come up with better and safer ways for us to get your little fix..( sigh ).. It wasn't till all the health warnings started ,that my brain started to think..maybe I should stop doing this... By this time I was well and truly hooked ,I tried to quit hundreds of times ,always to fail... So how come this quit was different?? My smoking days were brought to a grand halt..I was at risk of amputation... Education...knowledge....joining these fine folks...who believed in me.... So at the wonderful age of 62..I quit...for ever....have i dodged the bullet....I don't know....all I know is... I'm smoke free...and will spend what time I have left ...FREE.....
  8. -4 Wakey Wakey Quit Train !!!
  9. I Don't Smoke On Sundays !!!
  10. -5
  11. Wonderful post Abby...inspirational.... X
  12. -5
  13. -3
  14. Bakon...Y ou carnt count.!!!!....you wish !!!.the chicks have won at least three this week alone...
  15. -2 Good Afternoon !!!!
  16. The chickletts gave a good slap last night while I slept...well done !!!!
  17. Wow....I was very happy to see this ..well done chicks having a win while I was ZZZZZZZZZZ..... High five !!! 000000
  18. YES !!!...you can do it Albert....believe in yourself....you just need to want it bad enough... Come here daily...post ,post,...read,read,...pledge ,pledge,...the days will turn in to weeks,and weeks turn in to years... I am rooting for you....let's get this job done....
  19. Just for today...I won't smoke ....NOPE !!!!
  20. Check out Qi Gong pinky on you tube....so relaxing...this gentle excersise.. Changed my life....it slows down the hustle bustle of life !!! Also don't forget to just stop..and take in some good deep breaths... Quitting for your kids ..wonderful...a great reason... Just keep that focus ...
  21. -12.bye buddy !!!
  22. -11..whahaha

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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