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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. Aww HI Jules... I did wonder where you went.. Well done for coming back here..and yes sadly learning there is no such thing as !just one !.....we are addicts... Soooo....lets get this done...you know you can do it...you just need to stay here this time... We suggest you stay at least a year...there is a reason for this...it takes a year to make you stronger enough to get off the train.. Commit to NOPE !!!!....
  2. -8...bye folks last number of the night ...
  3. I think im guilty of this too today...this old tablet is possessed...
  4. -7 lol..
  5. -5
  6. Forever Friends !!!
  7. -4.. Go and make a cup of rosy Lee Joe !!!
  8. Doreensfree


  9. -4
  10. Need to keep this on the front page...please,if you haven't watched this....you should....it totally changed my way of thinking.....
  11. -2 hi IGT x
  12. 0000..
  13. Now...there's something you don't see every day...next time...take me ... Animal forms.....well I'm a horney toad...I'll be OK...
  14. Oh well done....you know your on your way ,when you...! Just chuck it !...... I can remember the pride I had ,when I did the same...
  15. 00000...
  16. Can imagine how sicker you would feel ,if you took a long drag of all those chemicals...your throat would burn...you would be so dizzy... You will get better much quicker..not smoking...
  17. No offence here... I had a punching pillow... That speaks volumes.... We just want to help you through this ...and come out smoke free... We have all been were you are....xx
  18. Good work Albert...keep going...we are proud if you...a little more of that Nico Monster dies each day ...
  19. Oh yes...have a great time !!!! Where are you all going ?....who cooking... Is there room for one more ?
  20. High five Tracey...welcome to the 4 years quit club... I'm still waiting for another wedding...but as yet nothin.... Love you heaps xxxx
  21. Huge congrats ..2 years wow... Thanks for the giggles..and all the support you give here...well done .xx
  22. Well done ..it is indeed the hardest..keep going for another month..don't forget to treat yourself..you have so earned it !!!
  23. Well done ..4 months is great..keep going !!!
  24. Congrats KT...doing great..keep climbing that rope !!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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