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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. NOPE....not now...not ever !!!
  2. My grandson is 12 years old...that a year older than me ,when I took my first taste of nicotine .. He is a keen rugby and football player....all his life it been Nana playing football with him .... Because his Grandad has emphysema.... On and off oxygen..so he carnt play .... I had a very serious conversation with him last year...telling him about the dangers of smoking...and this is why his grandad carnt breath... And why my feet were in danger of being separated from me...no feet ..no football...no rugby....brutal ..but honest.... He seemed to totally get it !!!....after promising never to smoke ...and giving us both a hug ...he went on his merry way... I only hope ..he remembers our chat for many years to come ...
  3. Aww...I always get very sad when one of our soldiers lose thier battle... Sunny firstly thank you for coming here and holding your hands up...this is a great sign...deep down ..you really don't want to be a smoker...otherwise you would have dissapeared into the sunset.. Your seat is still here..and still warm...you have done your practice run...now make this your sticky... As others have said..you have to be honest with yourself... And ask what went wrong .....still romancing the cig ???? If so ...re- read everything here... I betting that cig tasted like shit.!!!....and you wondered why you were missing it... It's the nature of addiction... You can do it Sunny...take smoking off the table...no matter what...!!!!
  4. Sending warm wishes Ellen...well done on your fabulous quit !!
  5. Congrats ..2 months is a great quit !!!
  6. I hope some peeps who are thinking about it ..gives it a go too.!!!!
  7. Your body starts healing the day you say NOPE !!!
  8. -8
  9. Learning to pole dance for my Boo xx
  10. -7
  11. Great honest post Jo... Your chances of dying were so much higher when you smoked... In my early quit...pledging NOPE...was the most important thing in my life...I spent many a day ,shouting it out loud ,hundreds of times... Nothing wrong with a big long NOPE !!!..... Your doing great...you have 5 fabulous months !!!!
  12. -5
  13. -3 back at you !!!...sneaking in before Ssss...gets back!...
  14. -1... Good to see ya,all.xx
  15. 1 Hi
  16. NOPE !!!...not today !!!
  17. Just came in from a pub lunch with the Ladies.....great good ...great company !!!
  18. Congratulations the Lido Deck is in your sights..its just over the Horizon.... Well done !!!
  19. Welcome aboard Matty... Congrats for never giving up..giving up..... There is never a good reason to smoke..even if your arse was on fire... Stick around here ,and NOPE away !!!! Your amongst old friends and new...
  20. Eerrr...let me see...I have been known to go a week....whaha....
  21. I havn,t got a sweet tooth thankfully...I'm a savoury gal... I wouldn't call my self a addict, regarding food...OK...maybe a sausage...but I can even go a length of time without... Your in the very days of your quit...be kind to yourself...
  22. Huge congratulations Jane !!!...Welcome to the Lido Deck....take a well earned glass of champers... And your chair !!!!
  23. I have a couple of addictions I need to address....I'm addicted to giving the sticks a good slap !!!....the smarting hand feels oh so good.!!! I'm a self confessed sausageholic...lord grant me the strength.. All I can do is take it one day at a time...or one sausage ...!!!!!!
  24. I fancy this today !!!....brilliant....Oh and NOPE too !!!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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