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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. 17…Go Away ..it’s nearly my bed time !!
  2. 17
  3. Susie,hello again .. I’ve always said ….All roads lead to Rome …a old saying .. This means ..Rome is Freedom …and you have to do anything to get there .. NRT has helped a lot of folk arrive at Freedom… As long as you follow the plan ..this is important … Your lungs are probably still developing…once they are damaged there is no going back .. Most of us here have sad horror stories of watching or suffering from the damage cigarettes have done .. You can quit …xx
  4. 15
  5. 11
  6. Hi Elena . So glad you have reached out, As long as you keep putting nicotine in your body , you will stay addicted . have you tried weening down ,using something in between such as regular gum .. it will keep your mouth busy . I would suggest reading Allen Carr the easy way to stop smoking only change the smoking to Lozenges. The method would be the same If you decide to go cold turkey stay close to the train we will help you along xx
  7. Huge Congratulations Mr Piggy on your wonderful 7 years . So happy your here , you are a massive part of this place . Proud to call you my buddy . This calls for a day off counting XXX
  8. 9
  9. Aww get well soon buddy xx
  10. 1
  11. -1
  12. Aww I’m saddened to read this I had so many fails , so no sermon here . Please never give up , giving up . You can do it , so when your ready we are here for you , just don’t leave it too long , I wasted 52 years , saying next time xxx
  13. Morning Suzie, Time zones stink …but my wonderful non smoking family across the pond has given you great support … You have 2 fabulous non smoking days ….Well done …one more day ,and all the crappy nicotine has left your body ( yaaa)…. All it is now is you and that nico monster …you’re stronger than him …he’s just a thought ..it’s how you react to that thought … Dont think about it negatively …Oh No !….Think about it positively…you’re winning this war … A great saying I used to repeat a lot at the beginning of my journey… Take Smoking Off The Table Even if your Arse is on Fire …my junkie brain related to that ..no matter what I’m feeling I carnt smoke ..ever .. the minutes turn to hours and hours turn to days ect.. I also had my punching pillow ..drawn a face on it ..not saying who,s…lol….that pillow used to fly through the air …..it helped me .. My sleep was also disturbed for a while ..it’s temporary…soon you will be sleeping better… What you’re doing is Amazing ..never forget that …High Five xx
  14. 0000
  15. Get well soon Chris The germs are having a field day x
  16. You have me ALL wrong
  17. Two
  18. 4 .. sour grapes ..
  19. The first time I got Covid it was mild . I caught it again in November , this bout was much worse and lasted two weeks . still find I get breathless much quicker now . im hoping in time it gets better everyone is different QG.. hope yours is only mild x
  20. 7
  21. Huge Congratulations Stu youv,e joined the Decade Club Hope your have a great smoke free life Hope you pop by and say Hello
  22. Hi Sweetheart, So pleased you have made the decision to quit and joi us . Sorry I’m about late to your welcome party . Alke Carr the Easy Way is a great read , it has helped millions to Quit , me included . Stay close .., Post often , supporting others strengthens your own quit , Take no notice to those sticks , the chicks need you lol . We are proud of you , here is a big pat on the back x
  23. 6 Morning
  24. 2
  25. Crap …hope you feel better soon xx

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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