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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. Nil !!!
  2. I missed this .. Huge congratulations....8 years is Insperational.....!!!
  3. Two weeks BA... Do something nice for yourself today ...rewards are great for all your hard work ...it can be little if doesn't matter As long as it makes you feel good !!!!
  4. Congratulations Sweetheart ❤ Two years is a huge achievement.....Thank you for sticking around ...and all your support to others ..
  5. 1
  6. Congratulations Reci....on your fabulous 3 yrs.....
  7. 1 Hi Nance !!!...
  8. Zero !!
  9. Where you at Sweetheart ?????
  10. You stayed Strong ....feel a massive sense of pride.... Can you imagine how miserable you would be feeling ...if you threw away your Fabulous quit ... This is one thing you have complete control of ....
  11. May I suggest you read Allen Carr The Easy Way.....this book has helped millions quit.... He makes you understand how the nicotine trap works ... We have two very important slogans here .... Never Stick Anything In Your Mouth And Set Fire To It !!!!! Take Smoking Off The Table No Matter What.!!!!! I Repeated these hundreds of times each day ....if you stick to these you can't fail.... I was a 52 year smoker ....if I can you can ....you just have to want it bad enough ...
  12. It is indeed ...when Nicky goes to Melbourne from Canberra ...she always has a stop over ... We did alot of miles while I was there ..a good road trip ...and half the the time there is nothing to see at all... Just road ...and dry land ....but when you reach somewhere ...it's a great place to be ... Just not as green as good old England !!!
  13. Education of this addiction ...stay close and learn ,it will be your tool to fight ... Read ,read ,and read some more .... Glad your here ...you can do it ...believe in yourself ....
  14. Nope !!!!......not today ....never take another Puff !!!
  15. Spend time reading all the stuff here ...the Main Discussion Board ,has lots of good info ... You ticket says 5 mins since your last cig ....so you shouldn't be struggling just yet... Do anything to keep busy ...take a nice long shower ... Stay in touch ..
  16. Canberra ACT.....have been put on alert again ....a red alert weekend for more fires ... Poor Nicky ....the fires cannot reach her ,due to a large lake ,but it's the awful smoke she has to breath in ...
  17. -2 Hi A fancy seeing you here lol ...
  18. -2
  19. -2
  20. -1
  21. Be patient ....youv,e stopped putting poision in yourself ....that a great thing .... But your body has to heal ...it's all over the place just now .... some folks are worse than others ... I lost sleep for a long time ...awake 24/7.....amongst other things ....but eventually it did settle ... I agree if your worried about your health ...seek your doctor advice ....
  22. -1 Morning !!!
  23. Welcome aboard S.... You can quit ...there are others here who have quit with smokers in the house ... All you need is the will and the determination...... Read all you can ,on the main Discussion Board you will find green pinned threads ...this is a great place to start ...you are still very young ....quit now before all the crappy illnesses appear ....
  24. I don't know how folks in Australia can afford to smoke ...

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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