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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. I had hundreds of failed quits behind me It was a case it won’t happen to me . Until it did I was given a choice Carry on smoking or face amputation on both feet . I was lucky … I found this group of people there is a hell of a lot if folks not so . Yes it my decision everyone has a journey to get here Those that take a seat here are given a great opportunity to change their lives xx
  2. -9
  3. -9
  4. -7
  5. -7
  6. -9
  7. -6
  8. -2 ….Morning Quitters
  9. Huge Congratulations Stewpot… Wow 11 months …you’ve rocked this Quit … The Lido Deck is looming ….we love a party…..Great job
  10. -3
  11. -1
  12. -1
  13. 00000 Sounds like sour grapes there Stewpot…take it on the chin lol…
  14. Safe Journey home . So pleased to hear your family made a big effort to honour a grand lady who has lived such a full life .. Sea food …yum
  15. Hello and welcome to this magical Train .. It will take you all the way to FREEDOM …all you need is the desire and the knowledge…. Our lungs are only meant for good fresh air …i you Quit cigarettes…Congratulations…now it’s time to free yourself of the vape .. Have a good look around ..The Main Board has great pinned posts to get you started .. Looking forward to getting to know you better…OH !! The sticks and chicks game could do with another chick on board …check it out …it can pass the time …
  16. It’s been a while
  17. -1 … Great job chicks , I’m off to slap lol xx
  18. -19 Come on chicks let’s take it !!
  19. -17 nope !!!
  20. -16
  21. -13 Morning QT
  22. -10
  23. -7
  24. MQ and Rixcz… Thank you for all the time and effort you have spent to help this wonderful train keep going to help ,all that take a seat to free themselves of this horrible killer addiction .. If you’re on the fence …take a seat …you have nothing to lose …it’s the most wonderful feeling to be free
  25. Well done D for keeping your quit during our down time … This shows how strong you are …

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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