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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. Love this post Jillar.... Smokers play Russian Roulette every day ....Will it be today ?????.......
  2. -2
  3. Upwards and Onwards ...
  4. -2
  5. I agree...Your Rockin this Quit ... Well done ,you smashed your first week
  6. Hi Linda ... Well done for quitting .....It's never too late.... If you stay Quit ...no further damage will be done to your Lungs .... COPD / EMPHYSEMA ...is a horrible Illness ... I'm sorry this has happened to you .... Jillar is speaking the truth ..... Let's get this quit ,to be your sticky...
  7. Hello and welcome .... Congratulations on your great quit .... Your body is going through some massive changes ...it's been used to being fed Posion in a regular basis .. It has to adjust to all the changes ... I suffered with bad sleep pattern ..it took a while to settle down ... I wouldn't worry about your weight ,that can be sorted once you have your killer addiction under control. I understand your concerns with the virus ... But maybe a phone conversation with your Doc ...just to ease your mind about your heart ... We are here to help .....you can do this ....Be positive....
  8. -2
  9. Coming here every day is a great way to ride the Train ... Ya ...we think of smoking ....we are all addicts ..... It's what you do with those thoughts that count .... Your nearly one week ....how Fab is that ..
  10. -2
  11. Hope your still Celebrating .Angeleek .....A huge Achievement... I've sent you a present
  12. Wow !!!..... Unless I want to look like this ...I,ll wait ...
  13. Sitting here wondering when I will get to see my Hairdresser again ....I need a cut ... My hair grows faster than a Privet Hedge !!!
  14. 1.
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  16. Congratulations Steven .... You have a good QUIT going ....feel proud .... Thank you for all the support you give to fellow travellers....
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  19. Hey Dogsbelly You can buy your new GPS with all the lovely dollars you are not wasting ....setting things of fire ..
  20. Hi Kdad.... You need to go back to the very beginning .... Pick a quit day ( today sounds good )..... Read all the post,s that are green pinned on the main board .... Watch all Joel video,s ..... Your missing something ....you still believe the cigerette offers you something.... You need to get your head in the right place ...take your seat ..buckle up ....and stay seated ... You can do it ....you know you can ....only one rule ....Don't Smoke No Matter What ... Take your daily pledge again ...to make it happen ....
  21. Quitting is the best thing you can do ,our bodies are amazing machines ... I came here with the dread of having my high feet amputated ....due to smoking .... Slowly but surely the healing process began .. Within a year all my symptoms and pain had gone ,I could walk much farther than I had done for years ... It's never too late to quit ... I'm sure before long you feel some beniefts.....
  22. 1 I'm good thank you ...!!
  23. 3 Hi Mona ...How ya doing ???

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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