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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. -1
  2. Well done !!!!! Two weeks is a great quit ...your well on your way !!!!
  3. I agree...crush those cancer sticks and flush them away .... Listen to some soothing music .... Deep breathing .... Come here and read ....watch the funny animals thread ...anything but don't smoke ...
  4. My sleep pattern was also messed up for a while ... It soon settled down ...our bodies are so messed up .... We fed it toxins for years Decades....be patient ...it will settle.....
  5. You,ve got this O.... Upwards and Onwards ...!!!!
  6. Huge Congratulations Mona .... Sorry we are late ....9 Months Free is Amazing .... You should feel very proud ..
  7. -1
  8. We have all been where you are Linda .... It takes strength and commitment to Quit ....you are definitely not a wimp.... You should feel very proud .... Every smoker deep down wants to be free....alot die without trying .... Here is a pat on the back .
  9. Hi and welcome aboard .... Getting on this Train was the best first thing you have done to stop smoking .... Why put more Nicotine in your body....just to take it out again ... So the Best time is Right now !!!.... Spend time looking around the board ... Try our Main Smoking Thread ... There is tons of useful info there ..and great videos to watch ... We have some newbies ..doing really well ..so you can ride along with them ... Don't over think this ... just do it
  10. Opah... This is how we all did it here ....NOPE every day ....every minute some days .... Take Smoking Off The Table ...No Matter What .... Remember the Reason you need to Quit ....never get complacent..... We have tons of info here....loads of videos ....make sure you read all you can to help you along... Stay strong ..Fight for your Freedom ...
  11. 1
  12. Welcome aboard Hollyleaf... Congratulations in your great Quit ... So glad we could help your friend Quit ....we can also help you too.... A good place to start is the Main Smoking Board ...Read all the posts pinned in green ... It will give you alot of information to help you along ....also watch all Joel's , videos....they are so helpful. Take your time and settle in ...get to know us all.... Stay close ....and make that daily pledge ...it's a great helping tool
  13. Being part of a forum ,is a great way to make friends ,join in ,have fun ... There are folks who are never to far away ..... The Peeps here have got me through some tough days .... This virus has given me time to find new things to do .... Your body is going through some massive changes ....it won't be long before you love the new you .
  14. I can see it too Judi.... And that Quit looks mighty good on you .... Keep going ..
  15. -1
  16. Having a pajama day....with the hood up... It's snowing and cold ....roll on summer ...
  17. Your right ... There is no such thing as ..Just One ....we are addicts .... It's great you recognise this ...alot of folks don't !!!!...... Your doing great ....and I love you are positive ...
  18. -2.....Still on the right side this morning.!!!
  19. -2
  20. Yaa Dogbelly... I hope throwing them smoked away made you feel so proud !!! High Five to you ... And I have High Hopes for you .... I spend my last few cigerette,s...in tears ....thinking the damage was done .... Phew !!!!....It wasn't ...still very thankful 7 years on ...
  21. 00000
  22. Opah.... I was very sorry to read your above post ... I hope you are feeling better and are making a good recovery .... Your so right ....this has to be your sticky quit .... We are here to help ..... Stay close ....
  23. -1 Morning Quitters...
  24. This is very sad news .... Another number to the Tabacco Companies .....this still makes me angry .... I am so grateful I have not left this earth a SMOKER.....
  25. -1

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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