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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. -2
  2. Nice plant Piggy
  3. Aww Gus .... Your brain is still trying to unscramble being a addict ....it Sucks I know .... You fought the monster and kicked his Butt..... Your the Boss..... And yes ,you did the right thing ..... getting it out ....that way ,when others tell you it's normal It explains things .... Great Job
  4. I stayed away from Alcohol too ...until I felt strong enough ... I've seen lots of great quits lost here ,due to drinking too soon ...
  5. -2
  6. How did I miss this !!! Hello and welcome ..KS.... So glad you found us .... Congratulations on your great quit ... Check out the Main Smoking Discussion Board....there is lots of useful tips and information...to help you along . They are pinned in green .... Looking forward to getting to know you better ... We have a great group of Newbies ,for you to travel along with .
  7. 000000
  8. 2
  9. Huge Congratulations .... Make sure you treat yourself ..... Your a valued member of the Train ....So glad you stayed ....
  10. Kate ... If something in your life is not good for you bin it ... I bet it never went into detail of a smoking related illness ... I'm so happy you thought of me ...and what smoking has done to my life ...that in its self would be a scarey novel .. I agree with all the other peeps ..read something light hearted ... Oh yes a good sexy book ...if you find a good one ...pass it on lol... You have a fantastic quit ...don't let some stupid fiction taken it way ...
  11. Dust down start again ...Learn by what happened, so your ready next time ..
  12. Doreensfree


    Would love to see it !!!!
  13. -5
  14. -2
  15. Wow!!!....So good you are in the mend ....scarey experience for you ... Chilling out with your guy sounds just what is needed today .❤
  16. 0000
  17. Thanks @Dianne! I believe that I can do this! I know that y’all have my back, I need only ask! STAY BUSY. STAY CLOSE. The Quit Train Peeps KNOW you can do this ....keep your eye on the prize .... Chew Gum if you need a helping hand now and again .... Next stop...Freedom
  18. 0000
  19. Upwards and Onwards Chris .... One day at a time ....this is how it's done ....don't worry about the tomorrow,s....just today
  20. Awww Crapola .... I'm sure today will be better for you ... You didn't smoke ...so it wasn't all bad
  21. -13...Goodnight All
  22. -13....
  23. I used to love our squats together Boo

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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