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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. Linda and Katgirl....Sending Hugs Losing love ones ....Is a pain ...like no other ....!!!!
  2. -10
  3. -2
  4. Wow !!!..Great Pic.....
  5. Why do I feel sorry for the sado,s....I mean sticks .????
  6. 00000.....sticks have given up trying ......sado,s....
  7. Dianne your doing great ..look at those days clocking up... As others have said ...Enjoy your time to yourself .... If you feel you need company ...there is always someone here ...
  8. -19.... There ya go chicks !!!
  9. Sounds like a nice peaceful day ... Piggy you weren't invited ....
  10. Welcome aboard Lawrence... Why put more Nicotine in ..just to take it out again ..Jump now ... You may know them as Prawns? Why did t you say ...Love Prawns ....
  11. -18 Morning ..
  12. Congratulations....That's a great Quit .... Reward yourself well...you have worked hard and earned it ...
  13. Ok... Hi I'm Doreen ...I come from Liverpool ...Home of the fab 4.... I started smoking age 11....and Quit at 64 ...too many failed Quits to Remember... Joined another forum for a little while before jumping on the Train ... This was my last chance ....Myself and my feet were about to be parted if I didn't Quit this time ... I was having trouble walking my ankles were black as coal ....no circulation.... It wasn't long before I started to notice a big difference ..pain was easing ,walking getting better .. Now I power walk miles a day....I still have some slight bruising left ...but I think God has left me those as a reminder... This Train ..Allen Carr ...and my determination...I quit for good ...... Lost Hubby to Emphysema 2years now ...Smoking done a good job on us .... I haven't tried Shrimp..but love sea food....Love sprouts ... Been having a cyber Mrs Robinson affair with my Boo Boo here since he joined .... Quitting with friends is so much more fun ,than trying to tackle it alone ...I've made some wonderful friends here..that will stay in my heart forever ...❤
  14. Hi Anita .... Glad you found us ....if your serious about quitting ,this is the place to be ... We have tons of great information to get you started in the Main Smoking Discussion Board .. They are pinned with green .. Start afresh ... Never Take Another Puff.....this is the one important rule in quitting ....you can do it ..
  15. -17....your fighting a losing battle Mr Piggy..
  16. We have all been there piggy.... Just be glad you have hair !!!!......alot of guys don't have that luxury ....whaha....
  17. -17
  18. -15
  19. Glad it all went well....the wine most definitely helped lol...
  20. Sending Hugs Linda ... Certain songs do take us right back to a certain memory ....❤❤
  21. Wow !!!... Great lie in ...that's a great pamper.... Your doing great Kat.... Were not doing bad for two ...mature ladies .
  22. -15
  23. Take care folks .... Done 3 miles today ....and 3 walks with King Louis ....on my Thursday pup sit ...
  24. Not ashamed to say ...shedding a tear .

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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