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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. -13
  2. Power walk ....3 miles ....this morning ....1 Hr Clubbersize ....full on ....should sleep well tonight
  3. Congratulations Kris .... A Quarter of the way there ....I know it hasn't been easy ....some things are worth fighting for .... Keep going !!!!
  4. -12
  5. I had a day exactly the same yesterday ...my over indulging out weighed my exercise.... You were not alone ... So today I'm being Vigilant...
  6. My Brother and his Fabulous wife are far to generous .... They made sure yesterday I over indulged in everything ...my belly is in full overload... I'll have to run more miles in the next few days ......but I forgive them ...they meant well
  7. If ever your worried about something ...always seek advice ...it stops your mind from running away with you If nothing else ..
  8. Huge Congratulations Gus. Half a year....Don't forget your reward ,for all your hard work ... Its uphill now to the Lido Deck
  9. I'm so sorry Kate to hear of your sadness .... Are you still in contact with your other help forum ..... hopefully they can help you through this bad time . You have achieved so much ...look at the positives in your life ....not the negatives .... I trust you will not smoke ....your Quit is something you will treasure .... Stay close Sweetheart
  10. Hey O.... Its a while since I got my frying pan out ... Lose that wonderful quit you have going .....no way ..... We are all waiting to go to the Lido Deck Party ...... Smelly horrible cancer sticks......Bleh.....Yuk !!!!
  11. Everything your feeling is only Temporary.....if you stay Quit ....you ll never have to go through these feeling again..... Ever ....Keep going Kris ...
  12. -10
  13. We totally get it Gracie.... We have all been where you are .....if we can help you in any way ...just ask
  14. -9
  15. Had loads of fun today with King Louis ,watching him chase and burst all the bubbles ... He kept barking for more ...
  16. Never give up ...trying to give up..... I remember being told ....Don't smoke ...even if your arse was falling off.... My brain started to take things like this in ...I too was a 52 year smoker .... It took me alot of undoing those junkie thoughts .... Keep going ....
  17. Sorry to hear you smoked .... All you can do is dust off and start again .... Learn by this ...so you will be ready for the triggers next time .... Take Smoking Off the Table .....No Matter what !!!!......
  18. Congratulations Gary .... Wow 5 years ....Thank you for your support and encouragement to all those who follow
  19. Congratulations on your Fabulous quit Sunshine
  20. I chewed regular gum ...it kept my mouth busy .... Also deep breathing ...take in that good air ...come here and read ,play a game or two .... It does get easier ...keep hold of that precious quit ..!!!!
  21. -8
  22. Done a 2 mile fast walk today then some cardio exercises with my weights . A tin of sliced peaches and a tin of green beans ....I had no baked beans lol...
  23. Finally seeing Smoking for what it really is ....Seeing the big fat Lie that kept me hooked for 52 years .

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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