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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. -10 ....Nice to see you throw in a number Jo XX
  2. I live in the UK ...we know all about Rain ....enough said !!!!!
  3. -8
  4. Sorry to hear that. With the back, it may be better to take some time and let it heal properly. How did you hurt it? Just bent down ...the wrong way ....It's alot better now ...done my fast paced mile today Thank you for asking
  5. -7
  6. Congratulations Kris ....we are proud of you .... I agree Treat yourself today....you have worked hard for it ....Onwards
  7. Upwards and onwards !!!! One day ...the magic will happen ....
  8. Just finished watching Midnight Mass on Netflix.....
  9. -8
  10. -8
  11. Great to see you pop in .... Protect that fabulous Quit while your away .... We are here any time you need us ...
  12. -5
  13. -5
  14. Congratulations Gus.. 7 months .... wonderful.....your on your way to the Lido Deck Party.... Here is something else to distract you along the way
  15. Congratulations D2.... Five years ....Wonderful.....Thank you for all your help and support to those who have followed
  16. What I don't want happening to me is emphysema. I know there is a plethora of other conditions i could get but that is the one that scares the hell out of me. Emphysema is something to be very scared of your right I Y. My Hubs died 2 years ago after suffering for over 15 years ...It's a horrible illness..... Let this be your motivation to keep that precious Quit ....
  17. I've had a down week with my lower walking ...due to tweeking my back ... Hopefully Monday I will be back on track ...I've missed it ,
  18. I'm always typing and deleting ... Well done Justin ...sending you a pat on the back .!!!!!
  19. -4
  20. -4
  21. Welcome aboard... Congratulations on your great quit .... Hope you stick around ,the newbies could use your support and knowledge....
  22. -3
  23. Huge Congratulations ....This is Inspirational.... Pop by soon ....
  24. Hi Linda .... Life throws some crap curve balls ....even Non Smokers have to deal with a whole lot of crap too.... What helped me was being told ....Ok if you smoke ..what's changed ...nothing !!!!! The crap will still be all there...and you would feel more crap because to threw away a wonderful Quit That you have fought so hard for ... It's ok to have thoughts ...we all have them ....it's what action you take that's important.... You deep down don't want to smoke again ...because you came here and got it off your chest .... Your fighting your battles ..your fighting the monster ....it might not always feel like your winning But you are ...the only way way is forward .... Trust me ....in time you will solve a problem and the thought of a cigarette won't even come to mind ... It's OK to Wobble....but don't fall over ....
  25. You won your battle Justin ....keep winning them and you will win your war .. Smart move coming here ...this means you really want this quit ... We are always here ,if and when you need us ...otherwise !!!! My frying pan is hanging close to hand ....

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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