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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. -7
  2. -5
  3. -3...
  4. -1 Hi Katgirl ..
  5. 1
  6. 3. ....sticks have woken up
  7. Awww I'm so happy you found this for you ....It's a great way to calm down and relax... Your very welcome
  8. -1
  9. Great Post Kel....keep that positivity going ..correct attitude....
  10. Well done Newbies .... Remember as long as you don't smoke ...all your going through just now is Temporary..... Turn all the Negative thoughts into positive ones .... What your achieving is Amazing....and it's what every smoker on the planet wants...deep down ... Here is a well earned pat on the back for you all
  11. Hi @JudiMD... Good to see you back ..and your surgery went well....wishing you a speedy recovery.... Staying Quit ...is the most best thing you can do to help you along .... We have some great Newbies just now ...you can travel your journey with .....
  12. The Lido Deck is in your sights ...your nearly there ... Congratulations Gus ...I'm so happy For you .... Thank you for all you bring to the Train ....It means so much
  13. We are here ...when you are ready ...please don't leave it to long K dad ...
  14. Great desision .... looking forward to getting to know you better ...and travelling with you ,on your ride to Freedom.
  15. I think I once referred myself as a toddler who has had thier dummy taken away .... As I was told....and it's true ...No matter what we are going through .... It's all temporary....you have to go through it ...to win ... Then you look back and realize ,it wasn't that bad ...our brains and over thinking made it worse ... Your doing great ....what you are achieving is amazing ....feel proud ..
  16. This is why we say quitting smoking is a journey ... I didn't know how to be a a adult without smoking ....every time I did a task I would have my fix .... Once I quit ...the more I did these tasks the easier it got .... Before long I was doing them without even thinking of a cigerette..... It will happen ...you must have to travel along until it does ...everyone is different ....but eventually it happens .
  17. -1 Hi B Gud to see you
  18. You can do it Kdad....go have a shower / bath ...you carnt smoke there .. Like Allen Carr said ....How do you know know which cigerette has that red button .... There is no choice then ...Game over !!!!!!
  19. -1
  20. 0000
  21. You can Sunnyside ....believe it and it will happen ...
  22. Well done Kel and Sunshine ....We are with you
  23. -1
  24. Kdad... Kel has given you a link ....for more support.... Put this is your toolbox too....what have you got to lose .... And you could gain so much .... Have you watched the 3 Documentaries here ....it was a life changer for me ....Toolbox The Tabacco Companies don't care how many folks die of smoking ,as long as they get thier profit.... Don't be just another number ....don't give them another penny / dollar of your money .... Educate yourself ...it will be your weapon ....
  25. K Dad.... Hour health is more important ,than whether you have let us down ...which you haven't by the way .... We are willing you forward .... Having cigs in the house is a no no.....have you tried Jillar,s air cigarette....cut a straw the size of a cig and suck and puff on that ....it will give you the actions ... Have you tried Nicolette chewing gum ?.....get your tool box out and fill it with all useful things to help you fight ...and fight you must ,if your too win ... Where is your SOS ???....we can't help you,if you don't let us ....it should be in your tool box .... We are not special snowflakes ...we were all addicted the same as you .... We just wanted Freedom ...and was willing to do anything to get it .... You ready to fight ?????.....

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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