1year ago,I knew I was in deep doo doo,doc told me....stop smoking or you risk losing your two feet...
My ankles were very sore and covered in black bruises,I looked like I had been battered with a bat...
Nicky was with me....when we got home...she sat me down ,with tears running down her cheeks...
She begged,mum please,do something ,try and quit....fight....I made my promise.....
Knew I couldn't do it alone....I smoked 52 years....I knew I had a job on....
I couldn't have imagined the support I have had....with the board help....I fought like hell.....
Doc has given me the all clear,my bruises have gone,so has the pain....I love my quit....
I love....the proud grin on my 6ft strapping son,when his 4ft 11 ins 63 year old mum says....
I'll race ya....slow coach...when we go on our bikes....
I love......doing the same qi gong and chai chi class as nicky.....not quite got the belly dancing thing yet...
I love.....playing football with my young grandson......because he knows granddad has oxygen mask and carnt play....
And I'm sure I have lots still to do....
Thanking you guys.....doesn't sound much......
But I do and it comes from the heart.....
Love to you all xxxx
Coming up to My ten year ...it's good to look back ...
A lot has happened in the years past...
I still do my QiGong .....
I'm running now miles a day with the help of you tube ....
If your thinking about quitting ....just do it !!!....
You will never regret it ....never ....
Jump on the Train ....just like I did !!!!