I tried to prepare when I first found non-smoking communities. It doesn't work, for me at least. I had to watch and learn from those that quit and wish that I was where they were. Non-smokers! At first it was difficult but I knew it was doable because of the quitters, they did it and so can I - a good mantra! Yes, please just do it as some have suggested. Have a positive attitude and really want this. With the support of a community that understands you and had to go through the same thing as you. It IS simple. Don't smoke ever again. Educate yourself on the addiction. Read, read and read some more. And please use the SOS forum before you light up. We are here to help you with any trigger you may have. Gosh, I use to smoke when on the computer and look at me now, 4 years (almost) of being smoke free and able to sit at my computer with no urge to smoke. No triggers going off.
It is very doable. If you must look to the future, look past the withdrawals and triggers and imagine yourself as a non smoker for life! And what a better quality of life it will be. Get your Freedom back. It is a wonderful thing! Get excited about reaching your milestones as a Non-smoker! Your body will thank you for that.