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Everything posted by bakon

  1. Way to go. Keep marching
  2. bakon

    Real Name

    Not telling but was called... Da-Woo when a youngster cuz I couldn't say my name and that's what I called myself Willie- when little older and still at times by childhood friends Asshole the Husband- only when I call her Bozo the Wife Dad- by two grown window lickers, seriously messed them boys up, no fixing stupid either, my pentence for earlier acts Idiot or maniac- by other drivers I'm sure, I drive fast and USE the right of way when I know its mine, look out, One of my window lickers (oldest son) backed into my truck years ago, big 2003 F-350 crew cab, v-10 motor, monster gets 8 miles to the gallon.(3.4 kilo per liter for the islanders) Stupid said "I didn't see it dad" So I never fixed the dent in bumper. People say to me, nice looking truck, why don't you fix bumper...I say I want to intimidate people in parking lots "Look out, that truck got a dented bumper he cant drive or don't care if he hits something." Sgt- at work bakon- here and there So who's next? Whats your name little girl, whats your name? - Lynyrd Skynyrd
  3. All thoughts, prayer and hugs worked. I am cool, wife is getting better. Once cancer is gone I plan on working on her other faults.
  4. bakon

    chicks or sticks

  5. bakon


    Have some bad milk with it. Make this fun to throw up.
  6. Canadian summer- about two weeks long. See ya in July.
  7. I have a car all the time and happy when I don't have to use it.
  8. I will start a rumor- nancy and tracey are getting ready to kiss in another thread.
  9. she's not teetering- she is just window licking- drink more and fall down, call it vertigo and forget the rest....
  10. all good, thanks for thoughts, return to your previously used color unless it included a cat. thoughts are working, lump is gone, still got 2 chemo left, surgery and radiation. but getting better. me- blood good but still the village idiot- just ask mrs
  11. kiss- kiss kiss nancy and tracey kiss
  12. really got to agree- smoking is out of question now if you want to do something you might regret, drink and take selfies, send them to me to judge.
  13. bakon

    chicks or sticks

  14. I could be quit buddy. Just send selfie and description of your personality. Cat people need to move along. All full. But actions and doorcream and Tracey are dead on correct in my experience. Be accountable.
  15. bakon

    chicks or sticks

    Six to you
  16. -9 counts. Quit skipping me ginger. 2 point penalty. 12
  17. Easy on kisses jimbo. School bus driver should never blow kisses
  18. Drunk and falling down is a medical condition? Wait till I tell mrs and mother. Two women been saying it was my fault whole life
  19. Cool beans What's Facebook?
  20. Thanks chicks Some call her Saint. Others repeat she deserves better. I say she needs nothing as I am the prize
  21. -9
  22. Deleting some conversations, not friends. Just cleaning up. If you see one gone, then I got another from you saved. But if I don't, then send me another if you want. Just don't get those panties all balled-up and stuck up your behind. Otherwise the big burrito will have to pull them out for his 4 month celebration wish. Tracey- your being watched...don't close the blinds. Colleen- keep the wax appointment action- get spinners for the Lincoln, all the pimps have them nancy- cancelling trip to south- just going to postpone till next year- bad timing this year. But thinking Disney in October so I will still get to see "goofy people" like being in Tennessee. sgt- get more active- your laying down on job- babs too Eggs- not a lot to report, try to push some life into this place, everyone sunbathing or something MQ- shame for got to keep your shirt on now that your the bigman, at least most of the cat stuff didn't come over here Cristobal- you joined but still pretty idle- the UKers still don't understand my English, they will never get yours Jimmy- your going to go blind, click off those sites and get back over here leanna,Jackie rachealleahcar,melody (buy a coat yet) sarah, scottishgal, sue, Julie and the eggs- selfies still appreciated, thanks for the one you sent already- please continue. chemo tomorrow plus my blood results at two months- don't expect anything bad, we will be fine, but thoughts always help-
  23. should have slapped that little back talker. kids aren't beat enough anymore, that's why the parents are at Walmart to begin with, spent all their money spoiling the little snot machine, then they got to shop at Walmart because the shoes are cheaper. or they should stop smoking and then afford the better shoes
  24. That's an awesome story- for him. I love all my fall off the bike stories now that I am older. He will sit down some day and brag this one out.
  25. bakon

    chicks or sticks

    6 eat cat turds chicks

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