Eggs come free...its the gals who like to "change" men usually. The ones who were slightly bad or trouble makers themselves, but want a bad boy to act good in public.
Now the Action followers like the sensitive guys with so many feelings they make guys like me want to punch them. Those guys are sneaky who pretend to be "a friend" while working their master evil plan. These girls really hope he is that nice but know its not possible. Dreamers
Then the Jimmy girls, he is the wounded puppy type. Girls want to help because he is helpless type...pure sneaky. These girls want to help anything, they not kill bugs, they push them out the door.
Or the Scottt gals- oh you fatboy who lost weight. So happy to knit sweaters together, yuk. All caring like action but sneaky too. Same type girl- dreamers
... the Sgt troop of window lickers. I like to meet a woman in real life who will take orders and call me the boss. Dream on Sgt- they are messing with you. These don't exist.
MQ cheerleaders- they are pretty special too. Special education. his logs of working out and stuff would drive a woman crazy. On line he is a prize, but let those smelly gym clothes and drooling dogs get on the clean carpet and see what the girls write then. The girls would be the yelling type in short time. Yeah, he can have them.
Cross dressing Stu- bet his girls like to put make up on him too. The golf thing is a toss up, some women just want him out of the house for some peace, others get pissed at his coming home drunk in a skirt with lipstick approach to life. This girl could be anyone, anyone with patience and sharing, sharing clothes and lipstick.
ROb F- I guess he is like a rock star- smaller following but more stalker like qualities to them, piercings and tattoos on exposed areas.
But the eggs- these are the dangerous girls of the whole board. Secret bad asses with such a friendly name. Their tattoos are from before they were called tramp stamps. They are hidden on inner thighs and back ends. Ankles and bellies. These girls go to church, but used to sneak out back with a boy when nobody noticed. Eggs rule but they are free.