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Everything posted by kendranz

  1. Sadly wasn't my two week party but I'm back now! My week away not what I thought it was going to be. Lets say there is a reason he's my ex fiancee! Lol. So just basically biding time until I fly home and yes smoking is part of it. Just want to go home so I can continue my quit! So a few questions if you please. Can I post on this topic still even if it's not true? Secondly have done readings and videos so thanks S. I'm on my phone and can't seem to get all the main stuff though. Like the calendar? Also can't seem to find how to make a profile with my pic and info on it? Also I see you can chat? How? And you can add friends? With Stoptober here we have a chance today only to buy an online audio hypnosis stop smoking thing. Only $9 so I think I'm going to try that. Normally $60 so it's got to help. So as for me I'm going to keep reading and watching and count down until I get to fly home on Sunday. Thanks for your love re my brother. His blood pressure through the roof so minor stroke. Nearly has feeling back in his side. He now has an aneurysm. My father died from an aneurysm so that's scary he has one. We were told not hereditary but can be glad I'm a girl as they say it's more common in men. Sorry for the novel! 4 sleeps to go. Xx
  2. Hi. Yeah I an still here. Not doing too well though. My brother has had a stroke, only 43 and he's the healthy one in the family. So pretty hard right now. If I admit that I have smoked then it will be back to day 1. Annoys me but at least I know I can do it, got to Day 11. What are these Joel videos. Any helpful links for reading. Cheers Kendra. :-)
  3. Thanks for your replies. It's really helpful! Day 9 now. Little kiwi land we are a day ahead. Last day of work as it's school holidays. Should be excited but all I'm thinking about is buying a pack when the bell rings! Aaaaahhh. My friend is supportive and also saying I'm being too hard in myself especially when I said I'm looking forward to seeing him but not seeing him due to temptation but I'm just in two minds. I so desperately want and need to be a non smoker for so many reasons but the amount of people I talk too say the urge never leaves you. God how can people live like that? A girl I know has quit for 6 months but would happily start again as it's so hard. So it's a hard fight! I need to buy milk after school, am a teacher, hence the holidays but don't want to go to a shop. I only had 4 hours sleep. Kept in having nightmares and waking up thinking of smoking. I need to find another addiction. Lol. Enjoy your day people. :-)
  4. Thanks for your prompt replies! Just been on rowing machine, feeling good again so phew. Wendy I do think you are right. Last time I was with my friend - only see each monthly, we just drank and smoke. I am not going to do that again but a little voice saying oh go on you on holiday. Silly but I'm already thinking of caving in! But I'm not. Read on here the NOPE so that's my mantra. Considering he has said oh but it's holiday smoking. Lol. I'm going to prove it to him that I am a non smoker! Sorry for my ignorance re rules but can I just post on this post while I'm away just for that extra support?
  5. Hiya. Am new to all this but just looking for someone else who is in the same boat, which I know you are. Day 7 and was all going well but for the past few hours the urge has been insane! How long will I get these urges. I know it's mind over matter but if I know there is an end date in sight I could breathe a bit. I'm away in 4 days for a week staying with a smoker so really need to be confident about saying I'm a non smoker!Up until today I have been super! So weird this nicotine demon. Thanks for reading. :-)

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