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About Jewel

  • Birthday October 7

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  1. NOPE O P E
  2. Glad you're here! Sounds like you quit is going very nicely & has smoothed out. Keep up the fantastic job!
  3. Welcome & glad you're here! Let us know how you are doing. I'd like to hear from you & know how you're quit is going.
  4. How's it going jbean? I know the hours in the day are long when just getting off nicotine. I had to stay busy w/replacements & lots of reading. Hope to hear from you soon! Slow & steady wins the race...
  5. Way to go Jack! You definitely have this no smoking down! Keep up the fantastic quit!
  6. Glad you are here & are ready to stop smoking! Ecigs or cigs both are harmful & happy you're ready to put them behind you! I recently quit & all I did was not smoke every second of the day! I read, posted, watch videos, texted, read more, all day about nicotine/cig addiction! There's plenty of education here & out there, most important just don't put the ecig in your mouth! I'd suggest getting rid of ALL SMOKING MATERIALS! EVERYTHING! I would have picked up if it would have been available! Hang in there! Slow & steady wins the race... I know you can do this too!
  7. Hello! How are are ya'll doing? I'm doing the non smoking thing, hour by hour, day by day, week by week & month by month! I can't believe it! I'm scared to brag or take for granted, this was extremely difficult for me & seriously I don't ever want to lose it! I realize it can be gone much easier & faster than how I got to where I'm at today! Each day, it was like being dragged behind a car on by a rope tied to only to 1 leg.... Crazy! Very excited, I'll be celebrating 3 months very soon! You can do it too! Only requirement: no matter what don't light that cig & you'll be a non smoker too!
  8. Glad you are here, it's definitely where you need to be & the best place to be! Keep not smoking & the # of days will continue to increase, your health & many things will likely improve. I believe for most, their moods & attitudes also were much better! I think the feeling about sticking hot needle in other people's eyes will end very soon & hopefully before you act on it! Keep not smoking, its the best thing you can do for yourself & others! This too shall pass'...
  9. Hi & welcome! Reading about quitting, relapse & recovery has helped me a lot! I have spent many hours reading & still spend time everyday reading about quitting. I've also watched videos. Being part of this forum or a quit community will be very beneficial to you & your quit. That & making your commitment not to take a puff will pretty much guarantee success. Give it a try w/me for a year or so. I think I will. Buckle up as Doreen says & enjoy the ride...
  10. Welcome & glad you are here!
  11. NOPE
  12. It's been a pretty rough day, many strong craving! Mind trying to negotiation, make deals &/or trick me into using nicotine in any form. It's crazy! This should be over soon, not soon enough but soon. Plus indigestion, heartburn was terrible! I'm unsure where, when or what to do next. I've stop smoking & hopefully all these other things are part of withdrawals & will be gone as soon as nicotine is out of system.
  13. Good day! I'm not having a good day! Cravings up, anxiety up & in much pain! We are having storms & having it rough! Cravings are very high, very strong & convincing. This too shall pass...
  14. Good evening! Totally Nicotine Free! WOW! Yes, I can definitely say: i see & know this is an addiction & doesn't happen overnight! Quitting the lozenges, that ugly nic monster has held on, tried to claw his way back, been deceptive & tried every way possible could to stay active in my life! It's been quite an ordeal! I really want others to quit, but this is brutal! Really in truly brutal! Another day down, no nicotine, no smoking & no one injured physical &/or mentally! Its been a good day! I truly know what nicotine fits are & I'm so glad I wont be having many more, I hope! Blessings & good night!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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