Winding down after a stressful day...
Noticed when I started my car it almost sounded like battery was dead....a week ago couldn't get my car started and I had battery checked and it had a full charge..was told it could be a problem with my key/ignition tumbler? Luckily, it started today and and I was off to take my 12 yr old doggo to the vet...he has been vomiting for 3 days and yesterday wouldn't eat at all but still vomiting (mostly water) with lots of moaning and pacing most last night.
Vet gives him subcutaneous fluids and a shot to deal with the vomiting, plus add'l pills for next 4 days, will have results of bloodwork tomorrow. Sent us home with instructions to give him boiled chicken and rice for next 4 days. Ok, I will stop on my way home and get a new battery installed and go to pick up the needed supplies for doggo.
Guess what? Car won't start!! Luckily I use a vet that is about 2 long blocks from my sister's house. But I can't reach her by phone! Starting to panic a I call my brother who lives about 5 miles away. He answers on first ring! Yeah!! He comes right over to where I am with jumper cables and my car starts right up! I decide best thing to do is go to Firestone (a car care/tire center) and get new battery (even though the one I had should have lasted at least another year!!)
I now drive home, repeating to myself "Don't shut car off when you get home!!!" I need to just get doggo back in the house and then get new battery installed, then head off to the store to get the chicken and rice. Ok, managed to not forget! Got new battery! Now off to the store....
At the store, they were giving out samples of brisket they were carving by the deli looked and smelled awesome and I had not eaten breakfast or lunch a huge slice of it on fresh bakery rye! Walked around the store eating this mini-sandwich and picked up what I needed for doggo!
Got back home and boiled the chicken and a bag of Success brown rice in big pot!
Doggo now feeling a bit better as he devoured his dinner....been a few hours now and it stayed down, so far!
When I was still a smoker....all this stress would have driven me to smoke like a chimney! I handled everything successfully even though it turned out to be a $500 day!! Never even crossed my mind that I "needed" one! PS. Thank God for credit cards!
How my day went: