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Everything posted by Rozuki

  1. NOPE
  2. How Divine...lol! My reward will be attending a bluegrass festival this weekend with the bf!
  3. Thanks, everyone! I am still amazed by how many poison sticks I have not put into my body!!! Over 36k + and counting!!!!
  4. NOPE
  5. NOPE
  6. Congrats, @Katgirl! Don't forget to celebrate and reward yourself... and KTQ!
  7. Welcome, @Oslo! You have found a great place to help you out on your quit journey...knowledge is power so read everything you can here, watch the videos and participate in the forums. Don't let the fact that you have tried to quit before, and failed, stop you from trying again... you can do this!
  8. It certainly has been a long and winding road for me on this quitting journey. I am definitely in a much better place now...both physically and mentally. I still remember those early days of my quit and how I thought "Will I ever get to a place where I am not constantly fighting the craves?". It was so exhausting but I kept trudging forward, ever so slowly! I am still here to let you know you eventually will get to that place and it will be a source of immense pride!! I truly think I couldn't have done it without the online support of a site like QuitTrain or QSMB (my first support group which is no longer around). Thanks for acknowledging my 5 yr (!!!!!!!) milestone, Rozuki the Rockstar
  9. NOPE
  10. Congrats, @JimHannoonen! 5 years quit is pretty amazing, reward yourself and KTQ!
  11. Congrats, @Steven Drojensky! Reward yourself for this achievement and KTQ!
  12. NOPE
  13. Congrats, @AceWhite! One year quit already...awesome, dude! Reward yourself and KTQ! Think I will meander up to the Lido Deck now and see what's shaking...
  14. NOPE
  15. Congrats, @KEL! Be very proud of what you have accomplished here...reward yourself and KTQ!
  16. NOPE
  17. NOPE
  18. NOPE

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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