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About nervousnellie

  • Birthday 12/09/1982

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    dark side of the moon
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  1. side note - yes, i have kept my quit. it's hard but do-able
  2. do you know for a fact they relapsed and never came back? or are you assuming that because they were once active on the forum and never came back, they they must have relapsed? i know that, for me, forums aren't the end all be all. i clung to a forum way too much when i was going through my opiate withdrawal stuff eight years ago and i vowed to never cling to another forum during something hard again. maybe it's just my personality - but i felt alone when i would post [on that other forum eight years ago] and nobody would respond because it wasn't very active [at that time - now it's booming]. then again, i am weird.
  5. i agree with others that vaping can lead to smoking [again] but we also have to keep in mind that everyone is different. my brother vapes and has for a few years now with zero nicotine; can't stand the smell of cigarettes, you name it. so, i don't think it's IMpossible to do and none of us are medical experts who can diagnose whether it will or will not happen to someone - whether it be a past smoker or someone who's never picked up a cigarette a day in their lives, like my brother. it's all case by case situation just like our quits are and have been. keep up the good work, jules. KTQ!
  6. i am so sorry that i have not posted here in some time. i am heading into day 10 and to say it has been hard would be a complete understatement. after taking pain pills every day, 10-12 times a day, for nine years - i can honestly say that i handled my withdrawal much better than i am with this. but, at the end of the day, i am still keeping my quit - have kept my quit - and feel like i am getting more life back with every day that is passing. i have strayed from posting here all day every day, like i did in the beginning, because i do not want to become reliant on this site. i know that sounds horrible, but it's very true. i need to be able to do this and not focus on what is happening to me at all times. i feel like, for me, reminding myself that i am going through this makes things worse.....again, for me. i started to realize that the more i typed here - the more i wanted to smoke. not because anyone triggered me or i felt triggered - not at all - but because i was focusing on the fact that i was quitting smoking. by not posting every day or several times a day, i am allowing myself to become dependent on new routines for myself, such as going for a walk after meals instead of going out back to smoke. i do not want to put posting on a forum as part of my routine, albeit posting here has helped and i appreciate so many of you that have been here since second one of my quit. i'm not saying i am leaving the boards. not at all; i love it here and i love that it's low key in comparison to other extremely busy sites. i just wanted to say that i am still here but i just do not check the boards everyday because of ^^ what i stated above. we are going to yard sales tomorrow in our neighborhood and relaxing afterwards, so i will check back sometime this week. love to you all. i cannot believe i am almost on flipping day TEN.
  7. i know i bring this up in a lot of my posts [or have] but i am sober from pain pills eight years now. one thing i learned from that, is that everyone's body is different - therefore, what we go through when it comes to withdrawals is going to be different than the next person. and although i say this to you, i can honestly say that you sound just like me [once again] with what i have been going through, withdrawal wise. i have had some horrible diarrhea issues. sorry, not sorry. i mean THE WORST, haha! i have had some horrible acid reflux as well and it is bothering me as well. my anxiety and health anxiety is through the roof. the first few days i had a few panic attacks and the last one i had took me about an hour to calm down from.....that was N O T pretty, lemme tell ya. i, too, have read online that this happens with people who have been smokers for some time. so, like doreen said, she smoked for five decades and had none of these issues. i believe her, completely. but that doesn't mean others have not. again - everyone is different. but.... quitting smoking hasn't killed anyone. it's kind of like.....hmmmm, how do i put this? it's like we have screwed up our bodies for so long, that now we are going through punishment. but when we got grounded as kids, as punishment, the sun still was shining the next day when the punishment was over. we are just being "grounded" for some time for kicking ourselves in the arse, for lack of better terms. it's worth it, though. i would gladly continue to kick my own rear end if it means that i will outlive my smoking friends. :) much love to you [and everyone else here] and KTQ! keep posting - i can tell, somewhat, that it can be helpful to some!
  8. i have heard the same. my husband, who vapes still [ugh, wish he wouldnt] can actually go a couple of days without vaping. i have wondered this, too, if it is other ingredients in cigarettes and not just nicotine. my honest opinion? to avoid it......avoid it all. i replaced cigarettes with werthers and strawberries, LOL
  9. hi all! i am on day nine and doing well. been SUPER busy lately, so i apologize i have not posted much on here. but i promise i am still here and doing well! xoxoxo
  10. thanks, everyone :)
  11. HEY! I am here, sorry. Been busy with some things. No worries, still keeping the quit! My life has consisted of errands and watching Netflix to try and distract myself. The cravings were bad on day three and I mean B A D - but I have noticed that it gets SLIGHTLY easier......but not by much. Sorry all - I promise I am still here
  12. made it past 72 hours. hot diggty damn!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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