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Everything posted by PeaceTrain

  1. WTG, Martian! Not sure what quit attempt this is for you but for those of mine that lasted longer than 3 months, it seemed like getting past 3 months was an important milestone and one where things really started getting easier. Why I had more than 1 3rd monthiversary is a whole lotta bs and although irrelevant now, I do not recommend it. Whatever you do, KTQ and you'll never have to go through the first 3 months again.
  2. 30 minutes dance/boxing this morning. My Fitbit broke. I'm feeling a bit unmoored.
  3. Wow what wonderful news! Life is so mysterious at times. So happy to hear things have taken an unexpected turn for the better! Best wishes to you and your family!
  4. Me too a nice walk today, 70 minutes dance aerobics yesterday and my usual 3-hour routine on Friday (except I swapped out the spinnng with treadmill). That’s the stuff, Weegie. Just get started, don’t overdo but keep moving as much as you can.
  5. Good work you crazy kid! Some days you seem like you’ve had too many of those umbrella drinks. I guess you’ve spent the whole last year on the lido deck. With 2 years under your belt, I guess you deserve to stay as long as you want.
  6. Woohoo! Now that’s something to celebrate! Congratulations!!!
  7. I am most thankful that I don't have to depend on a lethal little stick for my happiness. I never really believed I'd be free of them. Happiness comes from within.
  8. Congratulations Dave! That's a great quit you've got going there. Time to celebrate!
  9. 8 is greeeeat, Jack! Congratulations! KTQ!
  10. Great news- Hope he has a very speedy and full recovery!
  11. Good post, jryan. A successful quit has so much more to do with mindset than I ever realized. Being open to seeing the truth about smoking makes all the difference. When you're in the clutches, you have to keep yourself in the dark in order to keep smoking. None of this happens consciously, of course, it's all behind the scenes, where addiction takes hold and hangs on for dear life. We're all awake now to the truth. Once that happens, it changes everything. You can't unlearn- can never think about smoking the same way again
  12. Woo HOO Jo! You're kickin azz and taking names on this quit. Keep it going, you're on a roll! Congratulations!
  13. Glory Be, GloryB! Congratulations on your 4 years of freedom!
  14. Fantastic 4, Chrysalis! Congratulations!
  15. Best wishes to your dad and to you, Boo. It's so difficult to see someone you love suffering as well as all the others too who have families who care about them too. These are eye-opening events that cement your quit more securely than the addiction ever was. Yes we can do this. Those folks are not in a position to choose.
  16. Hi farmgirl. Welcome to the QT and congratulations on your 3 months! For some reason, that can be a turning point to easy (or at least easier) street. Glad to hear you're enjoying your freedom. Keep those positive thoughts coming!
  17. It makes sense to me that quitting heroin would be easier than quitting smoking, not easy but possibly easier. For one thing, most people aren't injecting or snorting heroin with the same frequency than smoking. For the vast majority, it's not an integral part of their everyday life,. There's also more shame and it disrupts your life in more obvious ways than smoking. Smoking kills you and is a detriment to your livelihood in more of an insidious way, it's easier to justify smoking and the stigma is nothing compared to heroin use. I believe the detox is far more intense but once that's over yes, there are temptations to pick up like any other addiction but that aspect of it is and the psychological addiction to nicotine is stronger. Addictions are all tough to break away from so congratulations to any and all who have beaten one or more. You... WE are all warriors!
  18. Hi Jordan. Welcome to the quit train! Congratulations to you for quitting now,. As time goes on and your body adapts more and more to smoking, it gets more difficult to quit. Doing it now will save you the agony of quitting after more years as a smoker. You also are aware of many of the dangers of smoking. Continuing to educate yourself about nicotine addiction and the health risks caused by smoking will strengthen your resolve. We're here if you need to vent, distract yourself or read through some of the old threads that interest you. Just don't pick up another cigarette. Ever. NOPE is the mantra around here. If you stick to it, you'll be successful and free to lead a happier, healthier life.. Looking forward to seeing you around here.
  19. Oh, and 1 hour dance aerobics on Saturday. Today I took off.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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