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Everything posted by PeaceTrain

  1. Oooooooo Congratulations Pumpkin! What an impressive quit you've got going! Well done... KTQ!
  2. Hmmm... Charm... That's one way of looking at it. However it was for you, you DID IT! Congratulations, Nellie!
  3. No, with a name like that I think it's safe to say you are NOT an egg...
  4. Beautiful news, DEE! There you are, getting on with the important things in life.
  5. 5 years is huge, Babs- CONGRATULATIONS!!! Thanks for all your support and for hanging in for us, who still need help.
  6. I tried to paste in a picture of a cake, but I was not allowed... still don't know how to get images into messages but the important thing is... Have a very happy day!
  7. Hi Jewel and welcome to the Train! If things get rocky for you, just remember that all the effort you've put into your quit is like building blocks, or laying bricks... keep on stacking them and you'll eventually be comfortably on the smoke-free side of beautiful wall, relaxing in victory. If you toss away your quit, you'll have to start building again from scratch. Every crave you face down, every situation when you used to smoke and now are CHOOSING not to... all these are accomplishments that make you stronger and stronger. Like a bricklayer, you're getting stronger every day even though your arms may be tired from laying all those bricks, you can sleep well, satisfied that you've done a good day's work. Best wishes and KTQ!!!
  8. QiGong is the best! Thanks, Doreen, for sharing this video. Lee Holden is a good instructor and you're right- this a great place to start. These 10 minutes make a big difference in how you feel for the rest of the day.
  9. WooHoo, SmokeFree- you live up to your name! Congratulations on your beautiful quit. Hope you're feeling great!
  10. Tracey, I'm so sorry to hear what you, your mother and the rest of your family have been through. It's kind of shocking that with all we know and the countless excruciating deaths caused by smoking.... That it's still legal! I know there are tons of political and economic reasons that come into play but hearing your story makes everything else seem irrelevant. Of course, when I was a smoker, I would have been indignant and fought against the idea of government interfering with my freedom! That's how powerful the addiction is... Makes you blind to the truth about how lethal it is. Take good care, Tracey
  11. Stay strong, help! Rooting for you!!!
  12. Help, just remember that the only way that feeling is going to go away permanently is if you DON'T smoke. If you give in, you'll be starting the addiction cycle all over again and no long after that, you'll be desperate for another one. Maybe it would be helpful to listen to some of the Joel videos in the library or maybe it would be better to focus on something else- taking a bath or a walk or something. You'll know what's best. Most importantly, don't forget your commitment to NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF! It's the only road to freedom. You can do this!!!!
  13. Another 4-year veteran quitter! Congrats to you on your glorious quit!!!
  14. Congratulations Nancy! You are an inspiration by the length of your quit and the quality of your words here on the board.
  15. Great job Kenzie! Congratulations!!!
  16. Yep- after one month, you're more solidly settled into life as a non-smoker. You're really doing it... now KTQ!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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