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Everything posted by PeaceTrain

  1. ... With a lit cigarette in his mouth! Yikes... That (or some version of that) could have been me.
  2. Since we all agree that the bad stuff fades, let's not forget that that principle applies to any bad stuff you may be going through in your quit. At the end of this road, this bad stuff will have faded and you'll be left with the memories of how strong, dedicated and persistent you were in this process. The bad stuff will fade. The good stuff will be magnified and built upon.
  3. Congrats on your 3 month quit, Nigel. Hope you're feeling better every day KTQ!!!
  4. Thanks R and all! Feeling stronger and more positive with each passing day. Today I was outside with 2 co-workers I used to smoke with. Lots of important stuff going on at work today and we had lots to talk about. It wasn't till we started back toward the office that it hit me they'd been smoking (and I hadn't been, of course) and I had not noticed or cared. Thanks for the comraderie and support! Great to have this forum- I appreciate you all P.S. Love that Peace Train, Reciprocity!
  5. Fantastic post, Boo!!! Inspirational and best of all...100% true!
  6. I don't miss worrying about every little blip on he radar and what that might mean: Persistent cough? Oh, no! It's lung cancer!! Shortness of breath? There it is... COPD, just like I feared! Twinge in the chest or left arm? Uh-oh.... Here it comes...Maybe I'm having a heart attack now! Yes, I very much realize that I'm no way home free now that I've quit, but at least if something happens now, I won't die a smoker. And somehow, now that I've quit, my mind doesn't go directly to the worst possible thing when I feel something weird or get sick. I attribute at least part of this to the relief from anxiety I've experienced since quitting. I know some folks have had trouble with quit-induced anxiety but for me it's been the opposite. Nicotine makes me anxious, no doubt about it, so that's another thing I don't miss. Good riddance, anxiety! Welcome, peace of mind and body! Welcome, restful sleep!
  7. That's what the train is for. We've all been where you are now except for those who've boarded after you or haven't yet but are thinking about jumping on.
  8. Oh my I'm so sorry you're going through that! Get well soon!!!
  9. OK so an addendum to my previous post about body challenges: forgot to mention that I had a tooth extraction scheduled for today. Oh, joy! But ya know what? It wasn't that bad. I just laid back and accepted what was happening (weird sounds, pressure, some drilling, which I detest but accepted all the same and didn't go into wishing it wasn't happening) and it was over in 10-15 minutes- after getting numb of course. Even now that the novocaine has worn off, it really isn't that bad. Just like this experience, I'm finding that just accepting that there will be times I want to smoke, it's no big deal... Really not that bad. I've been able to just let that feeling be there and it seems to help it dissipate more quickly than if I fight against it, question it, ask myself how much longer I'm going to feel that way. Just letting it be, accepting myself and how I feel has made it... Not so bad. BTW, this is the same principle used in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping. This technique is a way of moving through difficult emotions by tapping on energy meridians (same ones that are used in acupuncture) that effect your emotions and at the same time stating the emotional issue and acceptance of yourself, I'm well aware this kind of thing is not everyone's bailiwick but If you're interested in learning more about it, you can go to www.emofree.com.
  10. I loved it! I've been rooting for Khaleesi to take her rightful place on the iron throne from the beginning (although I wouldn't be disappointed if Jon Snow prevailed) but I'm starting to wonder if Arya may surprise us all and rise to the top! That scene stole the show for me. Thanks for starting the thread, DD! Let's get this dialogue going!
  11. Doreen, you need that one for your quotes string
  12. That's the best news, Jules!!! Congratulations on your strong quit and your winning outlook! Get ready... I'm coming in right behind you!
  13. Since I quit, I've been having some challenging health situations- the colonoscopy disaster and also I en been having intermittent heart palpitations which are scary and puzzling. The comforting thing is my primary care MD isn't alarmed about it and also I've been working out like a fiend since quitting and it never happens when my heart rate is elevated- only at rest. After 2 (normal) EKGs, numerous blood tests and a chest X-ray, nothing conclusive. Despite all this, overall I do feel better having quit and if I were still smoking I'd be terrified. My more "zen" non-smoking self is taking it day by day, focusing on the positives and not catastrophizing. I'm with Bakon that working out doesn't do much for weight loss; diet is far more important. Exercise in combination with a healthy diet is a winning combination. Keeping the faith; keeping the quit!!! Best wishes to all for the same!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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