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Everything posted by PeaceTrain

  1. Yes, you do it for 30 days. Day 3 and counting... So far, I'm OK, just a mild headache.
  2. Hi Toc. Whatever is happening in your quit is normal because it's happening. Craves come on stronger at times and who knows why- could be just unconscious triggers. The important thing is to not act on them. Keep the faith. KTQ!
  3. 3 months! What a great accomplishment! Congratulations, Jon!
  4. Hey Weegie, you must be doing Les Mills workouts. Me too! Are you in Scotland?
  5. Fantastic, Miss Dixie! I love seeing you right up ahead of me. CONGRATULATIONS on 11!!!! months!
  6. WooHOO! The little prince will be loved and adored by all! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  7. Sorry I missed this one, Sparkzzzz. Congratulations on your 6 months! Hope your desire to smoke is fizzzzling out. What a great achievement!
  8. Whaaaaat?!? What a champ! We'll have to figure out a celebration (that doesn't involve food) for when you reach your goal!! This one deserves a reward of SOME kind...
  9. OK guys. I've been really good with exercise but I'm feeling like I need a reset with food. I do eat pretty clean the vast majority of the time but my metabolism is shot and I'm feeling kinda stuck. I've read a lot about it and have decided to give the Whole 30 plan a go. It's an elimination diet where you cut out all potentially inflammatory foods (and drinks) including sugar and sweeteners, all forms of dairy, most legumes and all grains. What you're left with is protein, vegetables, "good" fats (olive and coconut oil, ghee) and fruits (not too much). Nothing processed, no additives of any kind. Just real, whole food. I'm hoping this plan may have a positive impact on my metabolism and digestion but the main draw for me is the hope that it will reduce (or eliminate- there are testimonials to that effect) my rheumatoid arthritis inflammation. My dream is to put the disease into remission so I can go off my medications, which (thank God!) they do work for me but they are pretty heavy duty and if I can do without them by changing my diet, I'm game. So today is day 1 of 30. Has anyone else tried Whole 30? How was it for you?!?
  10. Family in town for the weekend, so LOTS of walking. Cardio dance workout this morning.
  11. Congratulations, Kev! You're on the road in style!
  12. Congratulations, Sslip! 3 months is fantastic. KTQ!!!
  13. Weegie, I liked it because it logged my activities, how many calories burned, heart rate, etc.. I was originally most interested in the sleep tracking at first because I was making an effort to get more sleep and it was interesting to see the sleep data- not only time asleep but how much time restless and awake through the night. I I don't think I'm getting another one though. This is my second and they only really last a 12-16 months. I took good care of them too and didn't get them wet. Maybe I'll try an Apple Watch next. Taking a break for a while anyway to see how it goes without a tracker.
  14. Big month, Doug- actually no doubt the biggest and you've killed it. congratulations!
  15. Reciprocity may well have feelings about this. Smoking while driving was a very strong association for me, Opah, I'm assuming you're driving by yourself. If so (or even if not so- depending) one of the things that helped me was singing. Loud as you can for as long as you can. You have to breathe and it keeps your mouth occupied.
  16. Changing my routine brings joy and uncertainty conflicting feelings
  17. Congratulations on this great achievement, Octain! You’ve been a supportive and inspirational presence in this board. So happy for your success!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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