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Everything posted by PeaceTrain

  1. I bought some pretty expensive but excellent skin care products plus clothes and shoes galore. I've spent far more than I've saved from not smoking but I've also gained so much more than money savings from quitting!
  2. Who? Whoever you are, whatever you say, you're a champ walking around with that enviable quit. Congrats!!!
  3. No, it's not a gardening thing. If you smoked for a long time, you may also be dealing with dental/periodontal issues like dreaded plaque under your guns that has to be excavated in the periodontal procedure named in the title. Now that it's over (phase one of two, anyway) I can convince myself it wasn't so bad. During the event, real-time, thought I was going to pass out. Also have to tone down the memories of it so I don't chicken out from scheduling phase two. All in all, if it turns out that this is the biggest price I have to pay for smoking all those years, I would be a lucky person indeed. Mouth, ear, nose still numb. Drooling is SO unattractive... keeping a tissue handy...
  4. Agreed! Why hold out for round numbers? Every minute quit is as precious as all the others. Congratulations lad!
  5. -10 Boo, don't you have some work to do or something? Eggs to peel maybe?
  6. Hahaha Hilarious! And btw, your Canada's showing ("eh")
  7. It's shocking to me that such a tool exists. And btw, it looks like a "pieces of shell in the batter" disaster waiting to happen.
  8. AgaveGirl, I'm having an emotional reaction to your postings and here's why: I can't think of anyone else I've come across on the Quit Train who isn't, at the point of their posting, in the state of having already quit smoking- even if it was just a short time prior to the post. Yes, there are some who are on the patch, or using Chantix or other methods of quitting but smoking 5 cigarettes a day is not having quit smoking, I realize you're not representing yourself as having quit smoking (stubborn irremovable ticker notwithstanding) and it makes me wonder why you are being so persistent today with your postings, making so many attempts to... not sure what.... maybe get validation or support for your approach. In any case, I also think part of my reaction has to do with knowing there are many lurkers about who are thinking of quitting smoking, who are trying to garner the courage to take the leap. Having been in a similar frame of mind and on a similar course of action, had I seen your postings a few years back, I know I would have grabbed and held onto your words as another justification to keep smoking, all the while telling myself that I was "quitting". The fact is, there is no such thing as "quitting" there is only "quit". Cutting down is not quitting. It's cutting down. So I guess part of my reaction has to do with the protectiveness I feel toward the unseen lurkers who are vulnerable, as I very much was at one time, to being talked into justifications to continue playing with the addiction- to underestimating the validity of the law of addiction. I did that for a long time and I'm so relieved now to be over that stage. I think you ask a valid question when you wonder whether this is the right site for you. I'm not the judge and jury where that's concerned but if asked for my vote, as nice as you seem to be, my vote would be "no."
  9. PeaceTrain

    True or False

    True- second time's a charm :D NP is a morning person

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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