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Everything posted by PeaceTrain

  1. Hi and welcome Hermine. That's a very admirable quit you've got going there. Respect!
  2. Jo, you have been amazing stepping into Reci's pen and keeping a seamless flow of celebrations going in his absence. Only a true OCD'd person could have done such a fine job! Reci, hope you had a fantastic vacation!!! Can't wait to hear you squeal about it!
  3. Keep the faith, Novo. Whatever challenges you face during your quit are temporary; the rewards are permanent. Keep your eye on the prize and now that you’re at it with quitting drinking as well, it’s a great opportunity to look at everything you put into your body and keep putting in what’s good for you. Fresh air, clean water, nourishing food will all assist with your detox. We’re here for you’
  4. I’m taking off today. It’s a travel day plus I twisted my ankle just a little in kickboxing on Friday plus still pretty low energy. Still on Whole30, waiting for that famous switch to flip where you get all this amazing energy...
  5. Big beefies plz Novels or short stories?
  6. Ahem.... JO? You already ARE in the 1% ! I'm pretty sure Joel is referring to the 99% of people who "try" quitting using the gum, then go straight back to smoking, or try reducing smoking with intermittent use of gum in between smokes then eventually toss the gum and keep the smokes. We all know there are tons of people who make half-azzed, lame attempts at "trying" to quit, hoping that the gum will be the magic bullet and when it turns out not to be, they're right back to smoking. That is NOT your jam at all! You have a solid, enviable quit going that has sustained and has helped other people to sustain theirs. You're awesome, like everyone else in the mystical 1%!!! Wave your banner- tall and proud!
  7. You've surely earned that, Boo. Plus, time off is important to give your body the chance to rebuild. Gym for me today: Zumba then kickboxing. Still low energy but keeping it going
  8. WTG, Boater! Yes, you can have whatever kinds of feelings you may have but you don't have to act upon them. Your job now is to keep that quit till the quit keeps you. (Hey, I like that one!)
  9. Congrats Grund! You've got this now!
  10. PeaceTrain

    Hit and Run

    Finally won one tonight after a 6-game losing streak. Let's go O's! Whomp whomp whomp...
  11. Awwwwww thanks, all you wonderful people! Yes I’m celebrating today: at the gym this morning now in the hair salon getting pampered. I couldn’t ask for a more fun and supportive community! You’re the best!!!
  12. PeaceTrain

    Use My Word

    French chefs know what to do with a chicken hammer
  13. Thanks to the Scots for all you give to the world not least single malts
  14. WTG, Claire! Enjoy all the amenities of the lido deck and your freedom!
  15. Welcome, Sunny. You know the drill and you also know every quit is different. Let's make this the last and final one so you'll never have to go through this again. You're in the right place. Hang in there.
  16. Come down off that mountain and get your cake, BKP! A good celebratory pedicure wouldn't hurt either... Just sayin'...
  17. Crunchy steak: rare or well done?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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