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Everything posted by PeaceTrain

  1. I just watched a wonderful show about them last night. They are so magical. Thanks to to everyone for the sincere congratulations and good wishes! It was really moving to read what all of you had written. After this incredible year, I feel like I really do know sone of you- you’ve been so supportive of me and I see and am touched by your kindness toward everyone who’s on this train. Today my husband took me to a local nursery to pick out a plant for the meditation garden he put in for me 15 years ago when we met. We got married in that same garden 6 years ago in June 16th. We ended up getting 4 perennials to commemorate this wonderful day. I will see these plants in my garden for years to come (hopefully) and remember this day He’s overjoyed that I quit and I know I’m lucky to have that support. Some people have to do this alone and I’ve had him and all of you the whole time. What a huge difference it’s made! I did know, right at the beginning of this quit, that this time was different from the two previous attempts. I had educated myself the last time (in 2013) but I still had not mastered the mindset part- taking smoking off the table as an option. I did commit to myself on May 20th last year, that no matter what happened I was not going to smoke. It seems a simple thing but this was the difference maker for me. In part quit attempts I always had going back to smoking as an option that was kept in the far reaches of my mind as a fallback in case the going got too tough. I really do think that this is the reason it DIDN’T get TOO tough- my mind was made up that it didn’t matter- no smoking no matter what. There were certainly times over the last year when I had to come on this board and get my head straight. And some of my very conflicted relationships Have become more challenging because I’m no longer “smoking my feelings” but it’s all good and more honest in the long run. Thanks for “listening,” all! You’ve been a joy to ride with this past year. I hope I’ll be able to help others as you’ve helped me. A special shout out to my best buddies Doreen, Reciprocity, Nancy, Boo and BKP and my newest friends Jo, Jillar, Lin and Weegie. Thanks for being here for me and for throwing this great party!
  2. Yesterday: Zumba and kickboxing today: 75 minutes dance aerobics
  3. Congratulations Lisa! You've done it all! Since you started on your fitness and educational journeys, there have been many moments when you wanted to slack off, I'm sure. But you kept on trucking and here is your payoff! You can walk across that stage with your head held high, proud of your slim bod and educated mind. Nursing is such a great career- so many options and opportunity for growth. Great job, Lisa! You're an inspiration
  4. Sunny, as others have already said, the sooner you get back on this train, the better. It’s still in the station, for God’s sake! Don’t make yourself have to run for it! Get back on now before you get too deep in the grip of the addiction. Hurry!
  5. My former boss, mentor and friend, who retired last year, quit smoking a couple of years ago after complications during hip replacement surgery. She now has lung cancer and will be having surgery on Tuesday to remove the tumor which fortunately is small and contained. This is devastating news to all of us who love her but we're keeping positive and have high hopes she will make a full recovery. Please keep her in your prayers if that's something you do. My only aunt died of emphysema about 20 years ago. She was a lifelong smoker and a raging alcoholic. Despite being on oxygen, ashtrays with half smoked cigarettes were found inside cabinets and closets in her apartment when we cleaned it out after she died. She was a hard core addict right to the end.. She was a negative force in my life; I do not miss her.
  6. Important people in my life are at risk now keeping positive
  7. Thanks for letting us into the thoughts and actions that made this your sticky quit. It’s so helpful to be reminded of what it takes to quit- somewhat different for each person but what it seems we all share is commitment- pure and simple.
  8. Just finished "Hunger, A Memoir of (my) Body" by Roxane Gay. Brutally honest and impactful.
  9. NOPE to all of the above! Kindness rules!
  10. Enjoy your second monthiversary, Suz. Congratulations and KTQ!!!
  11. Congratulation on 5 months, Ellen! You're doing great!
  12. Congratulations! Hope you're feeling the benefits of being free.
  13. Welcome back to freedom, Matty! One of these quits will be your last. Why don't you commit right now to make this the one? This is what was the game-changer for me this time around- taking smoking completely off the table. No matter what happens, no matter what I may be thinking, I will NOT smoke! Period.
  14. WTG, GITW! What I love about your story is the acute self awareness you have to be able to track your thought process through the entire experience and beyond and see the junkie thinking for what it is.
  15. Congratulations on this auspicious day (well, the day after this auscpicious day, but hey, the party goes on) and you deserve all the festivities, kudos and praise we can muster! Glad to hear your daughter is doing g well too. Two reasons now to celebrate!

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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