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Everything posted by PeaceTrain

  1. Do you have any toenails left at all? Poor feet... P.S. Kickboxing this morning
  2. Glad to hear it Berk. Great that you're feeling a bit better and your weight is picking up as it sounds like that was a desirable outcome for you. Lessened anxiety will help with that. Anxiety and panic can cause underweight issues because appetite can be nonexistent. I know when I was in that place, it felt like my throat was closed, making it very difficult to eat.
  3. Great job, Octain! You're well on the road now! Keep focusing on the positives like you have been doing. You're helping yourself and also helping others who are thinking about quitting to see that it's possible to quit without climbing the walls like so many believe. (How's that for a run-on sentence?) Congrats!!!
  4. Big, you can definitely do this! You have taken the most important step which is to commit to not smoking anymore. Stay on this path regardless of what you think or feel, whatever happens or you think is going to happen. You are in command of that one thing. It's called "NOPE," which means "not one puff ever." Whatever goes on within or around you, all you need concern yourself with is this. If you do that, you will be successful. If you're having a hard time, come here anytime to vent or ask questions. There are many good people here who are more than happy to help. Wont it be great when you and Latoya can look back and say, "remember when we used to SMOKE?? Thank God we're over THAT!"
  5. Great post, Octain! You and your winning ways are creating a scenario where only success is possible. I'm inspired by your positive mindset. You fit right in and you're an asset to this train!
  6. 30 minutes elliptical plus 5 miles of walking. Lots of stress means it's imperative for me to work out every day. Having this thread to report to helps keep me honest and motivated. Thanks for keeping it going, Lisa. You're doing great,. btw.
  7. We are definitely here and all of us keeping our quits, short and long, and standing by for each other and anyone else who gets on this QuitTrain. Replies my be a little slower coming just now since the Super Bowl is being played. You may not follow American football but many do. Hope the worst of it has passed! Jump around or whatever you need to do just don't smoke. That's the main thing.
  8. -20!!! nice winning with you!
  9. Amen to what Doreen said. I can remember not too long ago, the intermittent panic feelings that would rise up,when I would suddenly remember that I had quit smoking and I'd think, "WHAT?!? What did I do THAT for?!?" The idea that I would never smoke again was almost enough to send me right back into the arms of the addiction. I started to catch myself when I'd have thoughts like that and force myself to think of something else. Anything! Locating all the red objects in the room, then the brown ones, then the yellow ones, then the green ones,... You get the idea- Just break that cycle of thought. Eventually, I've noticed over the last few months that the thought of never smoking again feels just fine. What I've been saying to myself lately is, "I'm just done with it,". What this means to me is, yes, it was something I used to do and now I don't want to do it anymore and I'm more than fine with that.
  10. A relaxing cigarette? What I've finally learned is the only thing cigarettes "relax" are symptoms of withdrawal from nicotine. You can probably remember being relaxed when you took that first drag of a cigarette, especially after you'd been wanting one for a while. Ahhhh, what a relief! A relief to quell the edginess of withdrawal, that is. That's REALLY all it was. The only way you'll be free of having those cravings for relief is to never ever feed that insidious addiction again- that and really understanding how this addiction works. Sounds like you're getting something out of being a complete asshole, otherwise why would you say "I can?" This makes me wonder if you're feeding a negativity in the same way as feeding thoughts of loss about smoking in the form of thinking about how relaxing it was. Please understand... These are not criticisms! I hear that you're having a hard time and I feel for you. Parts of this are relevant to me also this last week, so I'm saying it for both of us. Kindness and understanding toward yourself goes a long way. I'm going to try to replace some of my self-defeating thoughts with ones that build me up as well as focus on the positives of people around me. As adults, we are the sole cultivators of our internal landscapes. If none of this resonates, don't give it another thought- just keep it parked here.
  11. Packing, unpacking, moving boxes around, walked about 7 miles and up/down 23 floors yesterday with the office move and all that entails after 45-minute kickboxing workout in the morning. Today, the move continues. 4.7 miles walked plus 13 floors. Tomorrow, I'm getting a massage
  12. Congratulations JKPK! Let this be the first month of all the rest of your life as a happy non-smoker. KTQ!!!
  13. Sheesh I'm so late but NOPE all day and night
  14. I feel like I've said this before... NOPE!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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