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Everything posted by PeaceTrain

  1. Fantastic job, BTR- Congratulations to you! KTQ!
  2. Glad to say I did get my workouts in yesterday morning and this morning too: 1/2 hour on the elliptical yesterday and 1/2 hour cardio kickboxing this morning. I have to get up earlier especially with my new commute but it makes a huge difference in how I feel both physically and emotionally so it’s definitely worth it. So my new bedtime now is 9pm. Alarm goes off at 5am. Oops already late. G’night all!
  3. WTG, Barry. You're racking up those months. KTQ!
  4. Welcome Kev and congrats on your quit. Whatever works for you is the best thing you can do. Just steer clear of smoking and eventually you'll be steering your classic with your dog's head hanging out the window catching a good breeze. Looking forward to following your journey to freedom.
  5. Stzr500, all respect and admiration for your honesty and openness. As difficult as that sounded, I'd bet there's even more to it that couldn't be fully expressed in words because there probably aren't adequate word to describe what you went through. Quitting smoking was an epiphany to me also so I can relate to the part about having to face emotions that went up in smoke for so many years. I'm still dealing with that part of it and it's been really tough for me at times. At other times, I have these moments of pure joy that make me feel like, "Now THAT'S what being normal feels like. Yes, I CAN make my own dopamine and serotonin, thank you very much!" All of us here on this board can feel very proud of kicking the smoking addiction. It's hard core.
  6. Congratulations, JB! You’ve fought for your freedom. Hope you’re enjoying it!
  7. Congratulations Lin!!!!! Hope you’re feeling great. Celebrate and reward yourself big time. You’ve earned it!
  8. Great job, Lisa! Yesterday 1 hour dance aerobics. Today just a walk- less than 2 miles. Committing here to get up in time for my workout tomorrow.
  9. Latoya! 3 months is an important milestone. Hope you're feeling more secure and peaceful in your quit. Congratulations!!!
  10. Brag away! You're earning the rights. I've been fighting a cold the last two weeks so I've backed off a bit. Been needing the extra sleep big time.
  11. Back on track with 20 minutes elliptical yesterday morning and a 3 hour routine at the gym this morning: 30 minutes Zumba; 45 minutes kickboxing; 44 minutes spinning; 60 minutes barre. This is my new Friday routine, but I missed last week 'cause the gym had a modified pared down schedule due to the storm. Boo got his workout in. How's it going for you, Lisa?
  12. You're my hero, Boo- in the gym and especially on the quit train! I look up to you as a mentor admiring your two year quit and appreciating all your helpful advice and insights given to me and other passengers on this train, cheering us on all through our quits. Congratulations on your special day and always. Your friend, PeaceTrain
  13. Ditto to all the above well-earned kudos, Steve. Your mindset is great; seems like the body is catching up and when it does, you’ll have a really solid quit. My my biggest rationalization was, “i don’t drink, I eat pretty clean and work out. Smoking is my only vice. If I quit, I’ll be perfect and wouldn’t that be annoying?” The fact is, no one besides your s/o or perhaps parents if you’re younger really gives a rat’s rear end what you smoke, drink, eat, etc. Hell, I have friends I’ve known for 20 years who have never realized I don’t touch alcohol. They still offer me an alcoholic drink st their house. Everyone’s too wrapped up in what they’re doing to notice what anybody else is doing. IMHO.
  14. Thanks Barry. Came in on the wrong page.. Zero
  15. Congratulations!!! 9 months is fantastic!
  16. NOPE! This is the earliest I've gotten it in in ages. (Proud of self but really thanks to side of planet that's ahead of US eastern time zone)
  17. WTG, Octain!!! Congratulations on the first two months of many! KTQ!!!
  18. That's not how it goes?
  19. Won't be long now, Boo. Glad I got over this cold in time for your big day!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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