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PeaceTrain last won the day on November 20 2017

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About PeaceTrain

  • Birthday August 9

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  1. Just popped in on my 2nd anny, Doreen and thought I'd check your latest post to see how you're doing. I'm so very sorry for this loss, Doreen. Hope you are feeling supported by your family and friends at this incredibly difficult time and that you're feeling the love from all of us here. Please take exquisite care of yourself, friend.
  2. NOPE- for the 730th time!!
  3. OMG, you guys!!!! I just got a pm from my old buddy Reci! I'm so touched that you remembered!!! I must say... life is going great! I actually (finally) feel really proud of having quit. I struggled with feeling pride about it because for so much of the time, I felt like I was hanging on by my fingernails. But I DID hang on, and now it's been 2 years and honestly, I can't imagine going back into that prison. Addiction really is a prison of the most intimate variety. In so many ways, nobody really knows you're in there but you. Even people who are aware you smoke think you could and should just quit- they don't fully grasp the intensity of the addiction and how incredibly hard it can be to break free. Thanks for all the support and all the laughs! Peace, love and hugs to you all, PeaceTrain
  4. Present!
  5. NOPE!!!
  6. PeaceTrain

    True or False

    Love them! TNP prefers a book to tv
  7. Yes, you can literally have you cake and eat it too! 30 minutes kickboxing yesterday morning. Had to get in to work early so nothing this morning.
  8. At least you know you can gain 65 pounds and still make 4.4 miles on those trails! And just think, it won't be all on your back- the weight will.... ahem... be more evenly distributed
  9. PeaceTrain

    True or False

    True but is not fond of crocheted items so doesn't ever do it TNP does not enjoy flying
  10. PeaceTrain

    True or False

    True... But not well TNP is a good cook
  11. Friday- Zumba and kickboxing Saturday- dance aerobics and yoga Sunday- just some walking Today- rest day i must say the addition of a weekly yoga class has been beneficial and also challenging. I'd like to do at least one or two more per week but gym/work schedules don't allow for it just now. I didn't realize how tight I had become. By tight, I mean inflexible. The stretching has been good but I've got a long way to go to being as limber as I'd like to be. But hey- goals are good motivation!
  12. WooHOO, JO! You're a champion quitter and a great wit! Congrats on your continued, well-earned success!
  13. PeaceTrain

    True or False

    False! This poster has not had cake in many months. She is gluten free and has been on Keto (low carb) since Memorial Day weekend. TNP will have a massage within the next two weeks

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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