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Everything posted by andrew66

  1. you look a lot like a trusted and valued school mistress or teacher, but what work have you undertaken in your life ?
  2. yea a good ole belly laugh is good for your soul
  3. lol me also i hate even having my pic taken, laughs would be had by all lol
  4. lol i very much doubt it
  5. i think it would be better (if possable ) rather than have a profile pic in top left hand corner of our page, that it was a video lasting one minute of each of us explaining our quits to each other just a thought
  6. andrew66


    dont do it evelyn you have done the hardest part one week is no mean feat, have confidence in your ability to wave goodbye to the nicodemon soon he will be gone for good, you will be smiling from ear to ear
  7. everyone now has a mental picture of you action, do you feel that when you post in the future your reactions to questions will already be known as everyone has a deeper understanding of you ? do you now somehow feel slightly naked lol
  8. 10 months petra awesome, life is just the best, well done
  9. so you tripped up but it is not long and you got right back up, smokless and happy (we are none of us made of steel ) you getting right back on the train, stay strong.
  10. not going to put that nasty stuff in my body today noway
  11. was miss sarge standing to attention when you proposed ?
  12. everytime you overcome temptation to smoke you become that bit stronger in your quit, well don evelyn
  13. awesome quit rachel
  14. andrew66


    ok cool
  15. andrew66


    how long have you stayed in oz for ?
  16. just when it started to get interesting lol
  17. andrew66


    woo hoo the uk will be a better place with u in it and congrats on your wedding
  18. well done sarah continue with this quit that is changing your life day by day, week by week and for the rest of your happy and glorious life for the better
  19. just keep with it sarah , it will pass and i dont know how serious your relashionship was that y ou had and recently split from, but things will improve on both counts hugs to u x
  20. andrew66

    Lung X-Ray

    im happy everythings good ( you cant keep a good women down )
  21. andrew66


    on holiday in the uk {where exactly where?) i drink my weight in beer everyday just didnt realise i was on holiday lol
  22. great job not smoking whilst drinking, i dont know why but i thought your quit was because of your break up with your partner and maybe it might not last for to long, but now as each day passes i can feel you have a strong quit going and i am soo happy for you, keep up this life changing quit sarah you got this soooooo sorted.
  23. andrew66


    i think all of us in the uk have a permenent hangover , its why we always look miserable either that or its the weather lol
  24. when you smoke your last cigarettes make sure they are all on top of each other till you go to bed feeling sick of them
  25. keep up the great work julie you are simply the best

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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