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Everything posted by Jules

  1. Jules

    It's personal.

    Paul you are so right, I was advised not tell anyone I was planning to give up and I managed that. I think I just got over excited hitting the one month bench mark and wanted to shout it out! But as you all have wisely said; this is a personal journey and as long as I know what I've achieved then that's all that matters. I am going to be humble and be proud!
  2. Planned a special treat to look forward to. Used the Free NHS Quit Kit and found calendar really helped. Bought an E-Cigarette for emergency. Stuck notes everywhere to remind me why I was quitting. Slept. Fruit gums. If I had known about this forum helped I would have joined sooner!
  3. Jules

    It's personal.

    Very true Sally, and at the end of the day only I will know how well I am coping with it. I don't need the blessing of others, knowing inside that I've acheived something is enough. I've also noticed a sort of glow around me and I think it's because my attitude has changed, plus not inhaling all those toxins is doing my skin the world of good! x
  4. Jules

    It's personal.

    “Only a quitter gets a quitter. Ask a non-smoker to give up alcohol for the rest of their lives & then they might understand” I’m so proud of how well I’ve done that I want to shout it from the rooftops - 1 month and counting! BUT, I’ve learnt this is a private battle and it should stay that way. I recently told a non-smoker friend how well I was doing, but they actually made me feel ashamed because they thought smoking was disgusting, the fact that I'd stopped was irrelelvant. I doubt it was intentional but it really took the wind out of me. I’ve realised this IS a personal battle and I should refrain from talking about it too much, or at least choose who I talk to more wisely… saying that I can’t wait to tell my dentist who nagged me to quit for years - appointment is in December so I will be 3 months smoke free if I keep it up! So when I need a pick me up I log on here and instantly I’m smiling! I can see someone’s reached a milestone, I read funny and inspiring blogs. It makes me feel good knowing we are in this together, all battling this in our own ways and each day IS a celebration - and that is a GOOD thing! So to all you fellow quitters - Thank You! You are doing an amazing thing and you keep me going too. Hugs and high fives you lovely lot x :-)
  5. Congratulations Sue, what a milestone! :D
  6. Thank you Nancy and I'm going to make time to create a proper profile. After one SOS message I'm overwhelmed by the support I've received. Everyone has been so nice and offered amazing advice and I definitely feel much better today! BUT, I know this is going to be an ongoing battle and I will need support for a long time to come. Thank you to everyone who took the time to message me, it means a lot. x
  7. Thank you for replying and your wise words guys. I will most definitely read up on here and I like the NOPE saying, I have already embedded that in my brain. You are right-there will be good and bad days and I'm obviously just having a bad day! I feel so much better having had contact with other people who have quit and you have all done so well! I already feel better. Thank you!
  8. Hello, I quit 19 days ago and up until today felt so proud of myself but am not feeling it now. I keep thinking that after 28 days I can have one drag of a cigarette - that's how long the NHS reckon you need to be off cigarettes to improve the chance of quitting. I know it's so stupid to think like that but I can't get the idea out of my head. Has anyone else had this after nearly 3 weeks smoke free? Does it go away again? p.s Thank goodness I found this website, by joining it made me feel slightly better.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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