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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Doreen, you spoil me! Thank you so much, what a great party!
  2. Yesterday, I celebrated 10 years since I quit smoking. Except celebrated is a bit of an exaggeration on what I actually did. I remembered the anniversary at around 7pm, promptly texted my eldest son to say “hey it's been 10 years” - he congratulated me - and logged onto Quit Train to log my 10 years on a little section in my profile. I’ve done that almost every year (usually a couple of days late and my 6th year anniversary I totally missed and didn't realise until the following year) since quitting for reasons I struggle to articulate other than it feels important to do so. Anyway, that was the extent of my ‘celebration’, other than the thought of “what shall I have/get as my reward?” And that started a little trip down memory lane. Sort of … This wasn’t my first quit attempt by any stretch of the imagination. I struggled for a few years, cold turkey or with aids, always finding a reason to abandon the ‘attempt’. Eventually a mix of hypnotherapy and Champix did the trick. I had planned to quit on the 20th but on the morning of the 18th I had run out and made the decision to not buy any more, bringing forward my quit day. Still, it wasn’t easy and there were some really hard days. What did I do to get through those hard days? I honestly don’t remember, I don’t have any words of wisdom, but I think I did the 4 second breathing thing through craves, after meals I would have fruit flavoured chewing gum and I found rewards to be really important in those early days, weeks, months. Things I would buy with the money saved. Never anything extravagant and honestly I don't even remember what they were - maybe a chocolate bar or a donut? I think for my 6 month and 1 year anniversary I bought some jewellery. Maybe a ring and a necklace? Ooh maybe perfume! Are you sensing a theme here yet? I also rewarded myself on my 2 year anniversary - I think I bought a kindle or a tablet? I also made the decision that I would next reward myself when I got to 5 years. But when I got there I didn't feel the need for a reward. Smoking was no longer part of who I was that would need rewarding for not partaking. So my almost immediate thought of “what shall I have/get as my reward?” at 10 years made me chuckle. I think I just wanted an excuse to treat myself! The only ‘reward’ I have these days is a square of chocolate after a meal but that’s more a reward for doing the clean up than anything else. Sometimes I’ll have grapes. My point is, ‘smoking’ is just something other people do and has nothing to do with me. I know quitting was hard but I don’t remember it, even the once so important rewards. I barely remember the anniversary. If you are down in the trenches of your quit and holding on for dear life, I salute you and I congratulate you. You will find that one day, almost without realising, you can do everything without needing the crutch of a cigarette. I have lived celebrations, deaths, vacations, going for a walk, writing a letter, drinking a beer, drinking coffee, reading a book, watching a movie, eating a meal, waking up, going to bed, and everything in between, all without smoking and it was absolutely fine. (I actually struggled to come up with this list of what I previously couldn’t do without a smoke because … you guessed it … I don't remember!) I implore you to keep the faith, keep your quit. Because one day, you will not remember this stage of your life that clearly or with the focus it currently has. Congratulations to all, wherever you are in your quit, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 1 decade … wow, time sure does fly.
  3. 10!!!! wow ... 

  4. holy moly, 9 years quit (& 2 days) 

    1. Reciprocity


      Congrats @Wendy A whole decade next year!

    2. DenaliBlues



    3. jillar



  5. 7 (thought I was 8 days late for my 6th but then realised I'm a year out lol)  😛

    1. jillar


      Congratulations on 7 years smoke free @Wendy, that's awesome!😊

    2. Gus


      Congratulations on your 7 year quit @Wendy! I can hardly imagine being so quit that I lose a year. I would love for this to happen to me! I’m 10 months in to my quit! 🙌

  6. Balls! I missed the actual day again! Today is my birthday and it just dawned on me my quit date anniversary was 2 days ago. Thanks for the thread and the well wishes, much appreciated, especially as I'm never here. So there you go @notsmokinjo, that's what 4 years quit feels like - I don't even remember I used to smoke and quit half the time. Smoking just isn't an issue I think about anymore - except for the stink ... that will always be an issue!
  7. Bahaahahahahahhah thanks Bakon, looks delish!
  8. 3 years and one day woohoo.  Can't believe I missed the actual date again.  

  9. I just remembered today! I missed it again lmao. Thanks folks, this was a nice surprise. I came along this morning to do a feed update with a 3 years and 1 day and did a double take when I saw this thread. It's my birthday tomorrow so a double celebration tomorrow me thinks.
  10. According to my little quit app counter thingy : 999 days quit, 14,999 cigs avoided ... :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stewie


      Great! Keep at it lad! :D

    3. NADA


      Congratulations on 1000 days!

    4. Wendy


      Thanks folks :)

  11. Me too! I don't really need the reward any more ... I just like to buy myself presents :d
  12. Happy 4 years mammy xx :)
  13. So sorry to read this Tracey, condolences to you and your family.
  14. When I was a tea drinker I drank Earl Grey and I am definitely NOT posh .. then I quit smoking and my taste buds said nope ... can't stand any tea now bleeeech
  15. "You can't help folk who won't help themselves" ... or something very like that ... I heard it or read it somewhere but yeah, planting that seed is all you can do and hope they catch on sooner rather than later. Nicotine addiction sucks ... I told about my brother on another thread but my sister also used to smoke and quit years ago using nicotine gum - which she is now addicted too - AND still smokes on a night out or stressful situations. She also takes drugs for high blood pressure. I've tried to help but she has head firmly in the sand ...
  16. Hi folks, hope all are well and kicking those quits. Today my brother came to visit - he used to smoke but quit about 20 years ago - I have been quit a little over 2 years. Anyhoo, he noticed I was talking a bit funny and asked what was wrong with my mouth. I told him I have 2 ulcers (cankers) - 1 on the tip of my tongue and 1 on the side of my tongue near the back. What's that from he says ... I replied well, remember I have oral sensitivity since I quit smoking, (I have fibromyalgia, the symptoms of which went a little haywire after I quit - oral sensitivity being one of my 'new' symptoms) and I had some coleslaw last Friday, I think it was that caused the ulcers. He replied, why don't you start smoking again then? That'll stop the ulcers ... erm really?? Well says I, I usually have it under control and I know more or less what I shouldn't eat and drink but sometimes I can't help having something yummy or it takes me by surprise - like lemon oil in my lip salve! More to the point though, I don't actually want to smoke anymore - I have no desire to smoke ... it's just not part of who I am any more. He then told me how he would smoke if he could - if he could just smoke say up to 10 a day he would revert back to smoking but knows he wouldn't be able to stick at that so that's why he stays smober. WOW ... he's been quit over 20 years but still wants to smoke??!! I just can't imagine thinking that way. And the only difference I can think of is 20 years ago Joel Spitzer wasn't all over the internet. Or maybe he was and my brother just didn't have a computer. Whatever ... the point is ... all over the internet, including on this very site, is a wealth of information that can change your attitude towards smoking and quitting. I have benefited from that 'education' whereas my brother remains convinced he enjoyed smoking and it helped him relax and all those other myths we were fed .. Educate yourself people! It makes a world of difference. Ok so champix helped too in my case but really ... education :)
  17. The best thing about being a non smoker? No longer walking around in a big ol cloud of stink. That was a huge motivator for me to stay quit. 24 days is great - just remember that you will experience ups and downs along your quit journey, good days and bad. Keep breathing through your craves and don't worry too much about being cranky. Our loved ones forgive us when they know it's part of the quit experience.
  18. Bandito, congratulations on 3 years! How's the book coming along? :)
  19. Holy moly Joe that looks nasty. Glad to hear your both more or less ok. Hope you both heal up good and quick :)
  20. Congrats on 3 years!
  21. Congrats on 3 years!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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