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About bellalore

  • Birthday 12/13/1952

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  • Location
    New Zealand
  • Interests
    Writing, animal welfare, the internet, biking, FOOD!!!
  • Quit Date
    1 Jan 2014

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  1. Marti said it right further up the page: "our biggest enemy is our own thoughts" - so true. You have to "think" differently and the advice you've got on here is really awesome. For me (now 9 months free), I have an occasional thought that comes into my head, but it never reaches its end .... like "I would really like a.......nah, I actually wouldn't" - that's pretty much the sentence that will flit through my head once in a blue moon. I believe the key for me was: - I wanted to quit for me - I was just "over it". Nothing to do with my health or any person or anything else - just was sick of being a smoker. I'm thinking that by the time you read this you will have had your "holiday" with your mate.... How did it go? Hopefully you managed to hang in there, if not, I hope you are not beating yourself up about it - just make sure you haven't brought them home with you.
  2. Awesome post ... so well written and so true - I'm sure we all can relate to the "excuses"... I was 12 when I started and 61 when I quit!!!! I think I know all the excuses there are. Loving my life now :)
  3. Oh my, you've got a bit of a dilemma ... you want to give up because of your daughter, but acutally you don't really want to. Been there, Abby, many times. You have to want to give up if you want to make it easier on yourself. The other comments here are very true - a good way to start is to educate yourself. For me - I found the Alan Carr's book (already mentioned) excellent and it started the process, but I also added hypnosis that I downloaded and that was the clincher! I started it the morning of the day I quit then every morning for another 3 days in a row I would sit/lie on my bed and listen...took about 40 minutes. And it made me feel good about giving up. The trick was - I wanted to give up. I have since passed this on to two of my friends, and I'm happy to say, both have been successful and they say the same....want to give up and listen to the session for 4 days in a row. I'm not sure where you can get the book from, but the hypnosis you can read more: http://changeyrlife.pw/quit-smoking.php I wish you all the best.
  4. This is so cool to see .... people who actually cook a decent meal more than one night in a row! Those photos look awesome.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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