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Everything posted by Gigi74

  1. Congrats, Kev! Best decision you could ever make for yourself!
  2. Hi, all! Need a bit of help with my signature. I deleted what was there, but my signature on posts shows a broken image link. Not sure why that showing up or how to delete? Also, when I upload a new image it's not showing either. I tried searching the topic, but didn't see anything germane to the issue. Does QT require image be uploaded to hosting site and then shared? I didn't think so because it seems that you direct upload. Thanks for you help!
  3. NOPE!
  4. Congrats and way to go, Lin!
  5. Hello, all! I'm so happy to have "found" you! I had a moment a couple of days ago where some smoking thoughts started creeping in and I got online to come to QSMB and found it wasn't there. I must say I was in a bit of shock. I then remembered Quit Train. So happy to find you all here! Did everyone know that QSMB was going away or did it just happen out of the blue? I'm just wondering if everyone over on the other site knew/knows about Quit Train? Does anyone have the 2017 Smokebusters logo? I'd like to put it back on my profile. Thanks and good to see you all!
  6. Great post, Sirius! So very, very true! I have pangs of craves, but I just keep holding tight and reminding myself of all those things!! I feel better, I smell better, I have more time, I have more money and more time to give love!
  7. I so feel you all on this one. Have definitely put on a few lbs since quitting because I did give myself a little permission to eat some things I wouldn't normally just to distract myself from the craves. Anything to not smoke. I think it's totally worth it to kick the nasty habit. I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to jump back into working out most days and watching what I eat. Onwards and upwards!
  8. Haha. Good job, P! This completely made me laugh! All the enjoyments and then fighting that urge. Definitely don't rip your head off! I'm sure it's a lovely head!
  9. NOPE!!! Screw you cigarettes!! And screw you too Big Tobacco companies!!! A very large middle finger to both of you!!!
  10. I'm so sorry, E! That's so scary! I really hope you stay here and stay quit. You can do this!!! We can all do this!!! Save what you can of your health. I'm proud of you for not saying "Eff it. I've already got it. So, why not smoke?" I think many addicts would play that game, but you'll be so much better off without continuing to poison your poor lungs. Thank you so much for the cautionary tale and sharing it with all of us! It sucks and it's a hard reminder why we're all here doing this. Sending good vibes and positive thoughts your way!
  11. Stay on the train, Evelyn and don't give in! You've got this! "Just one" always leads to more. You've got to remember that. It's the addiction in your brain and the ingrained habits. Don't give up.
  12. I'm laying off drinking for awhile because I know it's a big trigger for me. That was what caused me to lose my last quit and I won't go down that road again! It's better to abstain if it's something that can put your quit in jeopardy early on. I think all of these things get easier the longer we go. Just protect it!!
  13. It's a NOPE for me today!!!
  14. I love knowing I smell better! I can actually smell all of my yummy skin, hair and body products. Who knew the scent actually lasted all day? :) I love having more energy! There's more to life than coming home and sitting on the porch reading and smoking. Well, I still love the reading and the porch! :) I love waking up and feeling good! I like not feeling bad in the morning because I know yesterday was one more day that I smoked. I love not spending money on cigarettes and the accompanying latte! Now I spend it on raw juices and smoothies. Infinitely better. I love not being an addict to something that made me feel bad and was making me age prematurely!
  15. Hi, Doc Brown! Glad to see you're rocking your quit!
  16. Hi, Jacqueline! I'm new to this board, but we have the same quit date! Just thought I'd say hello. :)
  17. Thanks for all the welcomes aboard the Quit Train! It is sincerely appreciated! I'm headed off to Charleston with my sister and some friends tomorrow. So, I may be a little MIA, but not to worry, I'll be back on Tuesday. If I need some support I'll pop on in. Hope everyone is having a fantastic week!
  18. Hi, all! I'm a member of QSMB and love all the folks over there, but have been lurking here during the outage and just wanted to introduce myself and say that I really like what I read here! You all seem like a great group of people and I'd love to hang around too if you've got room for one more? With all the new folks, you all might need to build a longer table! :)

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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