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Everything posted by Beth

  1. Rest in peace Beth, you were a big part of my early quit.
  2. Nope!
  3. Hi Terrigal and welcome to quit train! I wish you all the best with your quit :) You will find lots of support here and meet many lovely people who will offer you advice to help with your quit. I am sorry to hear that life hasn't been that great for you. Life will be much better for you with out nicotine addiction. :)
  4. Beth

    Wheat free?

    Looks great!
  5. I purchased a bike today :) I am still walking every morning. Thinking about buying roller skates :)
  6. Beth

    Wheat free?

    That look delicious!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I am pretty sure you would be burning quite a few calories and building strength at the same time. :) I love that you care so much about rescue animals and devote time, love and patience to them. :)
  8. I love this thread! I will get on my computer soon and post more pics of my puppies. I am going to try and copy and paste from facebook :)
  9. Went for a bush walk :)
  10. Beth

    Wheat free?

    The quinoa patties are really easy, just add cooked quinoa and mix with egg then spoon in to a pan with some coconut oil and cook as you would cook a small pan cake turning once to cook both sides :) You can do half quinoa and half rice if you like also.
  11. Every body has already said what I would have said so I will just send a big squeezy hug :) (((HUGS)))
  12. Hi Wendy :) Congratulations on day 4! :) Once I had made my mind up that smoking, nicotine addiction and wrinkles wasn't for me I had an easy quit and never looked back. Easy quits can happen. Keep up the good work and enjoy every moment you don't have to smoke. :) If you feel you need extra support come straight to the board and reach out, we will give you cyber hugs :) There are so many things for you to look forward to, new smells and tastes, better skin, better hair, better nails and a beautiful freedom that comes from never having to smoke again!
  13. Beth

    Wheat free?

    The patties are yummy, I used them as a bread substitute and made salad sandwiches from them :) I always eat brown rice because I prefer it but I have just had so much lately :/ I love your ideas Scott, I had no idea brown rice flour was even available! I will be getting my self some. Thank you so much for all your ideas, now that I know about brown rice flour I am going to try making my own crackers :) :) I will be on the look out for guar gum also. Feel free to hijack my post, the more ideas the better :)
  14. Beanie
  15. This is Ruby
  16. Thanks all :) I will attempt to post photos of my puppies :)
  17. Beth

    Wheat free?

    Grain and sugar free I bet it was difficult! I am struggling just cutting wheat out of my diet! Glad you feel better :) Keep up the good work:)
  18. oh and I forgot to add That Joe guy is awesome! :) :) :)
  19. ................ but that has not happened so here is my introduction. I am Beth I live Australia. I am not new at quitting as I have been nicotine free since April 2013. My quit is super strong. I am hopeless at using computers. I am a self confessed crazy dog lady, I have lots of fur kids and spend lots of time caring for, training and showing them. I love my dogs. I like to smile :) I know so many of you already as I have come from another quit site. Its fine that you don't remember me, I rarely posted. I am easily intimidated. I wish every one a happy cigarette free day!
  20. Beth

    Wheat free?

    Thanks Scott, I was just looking for any ideas as cutting wheat out completely is difficult as its in so many things eg sauces. I feel wheat free is helping me quite a lot but I am over eating rice :) I have found a recipe that uses cooked quinoa mixed with egg and shallow fried to make patties that can be used in place of bread. I have the quinoa cooking now so I will let everyone know how it goes. Thanks for the welcome. I quit march 2013 so I have been quit for some time. :)
  21. Hi Sue and everyone else :) I am from another site. I will write an intro :)
  22. Beth

    Wheat free?

    Thanks everyone :) I will start stalking Scottinpa's old posts :) Hi Action and everyone else :) Have not worked out the quote thing yet - it's on my list of things to do. Plus I am replying from my iPhone and holding a very cute puppy :) The reason for wheat free is because there may be a link between wheat, depression and panic disorder and I want to see if taking wheat out of my diet helps. :)
  23. What a great idea and Queen Greenlover (Beth) will be perfect :)
  24. Is any one on a wheat free diet? I am trying to cut wheat out of my diet but struggle a little as it seems so many foods have wheat in them. Also any wheat free recipees will be greatly appreciated :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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