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Everything posted by Lin-quitting

  1. Way to go PeaceTrain! You make me glad to be a part of the same community of quitters as you. Congratulations on reaching 11 months of freedom from the slavery!
  2. Way to go Justan! Your hard work is paying off. Congratulations on reaching 10 months of freedom.
  3. You are working this quit like a boss Kermit! Keep up the great work.....and congratulations.
  4. Welcome justanotherme, glad to have you aboard. I'll look forward to your big 1-year celebration in June!
  5. Way to go Beaglelover, you are on your way now! Keep up the great work.....and congratulations.
  6. Good morning. I am pledging NOPE for today.
  7. Welcome aboard Dragonfly, and congratulations on your decision to quit.
  8. Welcome aboard Sunny, and congratulations on your decision to quit again.
  9. Wow Claire, what an epic accomplishment, eh?!!! You have made it a pleasure to be along on this journey with you. I hope you are able to celebrate hugely today - you deserve it! Congratulations, and best wishes for your continued smoke-free life.....
  10. Celebrate big today Ren, you have made it through an entire month smoke-free! Congratulations on your hard work.
  11. Good morning. I pledge NOPE today.
  12. Good morning. It's NOPE for me today.
  13. Having your first week in is HUGE Rose! You have proved that you can do this! Have a treat today, then keep up the great work.
  14. You did a very impressive thing, not smoking while that much under the influence. Keep up the great work! (well, maybe not so much the drinking.....)
  15. Thanks for sharing Jetblack.....and I LOVE your chart! I've never seen it before. But it looks like a remarkably accurate representation to me.
  16. You might try my idea of thinking of something personally repugnant, something that makes you gag. Then every time you have a craving, which is really just thinking of that lung hit or that pull of smoke into the mouth, immediately turn your brain to the "gag me with a spoon" thought. Do that enough times and your brain WILL learn to not associate smoking with pleasure. I think it will help, anyway.....
  17. Good job Buck on your weekend of "resisting the allure". Yeah, you're gonna have to find a way to retrain your brain. I remember working on associating wanting a cig to either (1) drinking antifreeze, or (2) stuffing my mouth full of butts and ashes from a full month-old ashtray. Both visualizations made me gag and retch and it really helped to get the romancing out of my head. I also remember that it was you that gave me the visualization of a blue-faced Braveheart Mel Gibson shouting FREEDOM. It was another huge help to my brainwashing.
  18. Good morning. I pledge NOPE today.
  19. Four months is fantastic work Ellen! Congratulations.
  20. You are and will be in my prayers Rozuki. And I am so grateful to the universe that you quit smoking, which will make your recovery all the easier.
  21. Good morning. I pledge NOPE today.
  22. What a lovely post Rose. And I'm so happy that your hubby has decided to join your new smoke-free life. It resonates with me, your talking about what a gift you are giving yourself by quitting. It's true! I go to bed most every night just plain grateful that I now live life as a non-smoker. It's an amazing feeling.
  23. That's awesome Max! Congratulations on reaching 6 months of smobriety.
  24. You are on your way btr and there's no turning back now! Congratulations on accomplishing 2 months quit.
  25. Cool beans Jane! Eleven months is an amazing accomplishment and I can't wait to celebrate with you in another month. Congratulations!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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