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Everything posted by Lin-quitting

  1. What a splendiferously super stupendous day for you Miss Dixie! The hardest work is over and you deserve some big celebrating today. Congratulations on reaching your year!
  2. Way to go Boater! You are on your way to a lifetime of freedom from this ridiculous addiction. Congratulations on your hard work.
  3. You betcha', Rose! Freedom from the addiction is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. Congratulations on reaching your first month of that freedom!
  4. Way cool Shane, 4 months is a fantastic accomplishment! Congratulations, and keep up your great work.
  5. Good morning. I pledge NOPE today.
  6. Good morning. I pledge NOPE today.
  7. Well, right back atcha', Sazerac! You're so right: no one in the world can understand the struggles, or the feelings of accomplishment, like those of us that have quit. I sometimes forget that it really IS a big deal.....lives are being saved. We are ALL warriors and victors.
  8. All of your hard work is paying off Sparkzzz, achieving 7 months of smobriety is fantastic! Congratulations.
  9. Good morning. I pledge NOPE today.
  10. Reaching 6 months is an awesome accomplishment Weegie, and I am so happy for you! Congratulations on all your hard work.
  11. Way to go Jetblack.....and thank you for being an active part of the community. Congratulations on reaching 7 months quit!
  12. Glad to hear from you Rory, and that you're doing okay. Slowly but surely, everything gets better when we quit smoking. You will too.
  13. Party on dude, you deserve it today! Well done Octain, congratulations on reaching 4 months of freedom.
  14. Sunny, your post above was one of the most powerful ones I've ever read in my 14 months of living on "quit smoking message boards". Sharing your struggle helps us all, and will certainly help newbies in times to come. Thank you. (eta): Duh. And oh yeah, AWESOME job on hanging onto your quit. It's true what they say, every time you successfully face down the demons, you get stronger. You're doing great.
  15. Do you feel the most unbelievable sense of accomplishment today Joe? You should, you did something that few are given to do: you beat that bastard addiction! It's been a pleasure to be along the journey with you, and I hope we all hang around together to help us all maintain our quits in all our years to come. Congratulations!
  16. You are doing super work Martian! I hope you celebrated your accomplishment today. Congratulations!
  17. Six months quit is wonderful ela! All your hard work is paying off. Congratulations.
  18. Missing you Roopy.....but sending big congrats on your reaching 3 months of freedom today! Keep up the great work.
  19. Way to go Rory on reaching 4 months quit! I miss your () face around here and hope you are doing well. Congratulations!
  20. Yoda: "Do or do not. There is no try." I think I understood this early and deeply. I think it was (is) the central reason for my success (thus far).
  21. Gusty Kansas winds blow and blow and blow some more my hair is a mess But warmth and rain rise from long April's cold and drear I'm outside again And being outside I breathe clean and I breathe clear and find smoke-free joy
  22. Present, accounted for, and starting to get busy outside.....

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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