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Everything posted by Lin-quitting

  1. Happy Birthday Jenny.....wishing you many more smokefree ones to come.
  2. Fantastic work Jo! Congratulations on reaching 3 months of freedom from the slavery of smoking. Keep up the great work!
  3. Good morning. I pledge NOPE today.
  4. There is no hoping to make a quit happen Lily, there is just determination. You have all the power to make this happen. We've all been through where you are now are we got through to the other side and so can you! You have made the right decision. Now be strong and make it happen. I promise you it will be worth it.
  5. Boy doesn't that cigarette machine photo take me back?!!! They were everywhere. Based on what my ticker said before I lost it last week, it looks like I will save about $1000.00 for my first year of freedom. Not too shabby!
  6. Well done on the nicotine-free jump Jo! You're doing great.....and I am so glad that you found us. We have a new home to support our new lives as nonsmokers.
  7. Good morning. It's NOPE for me today.
  8. Attagirl Liz. One day does indeed prove that you can do two. And three and beyond. Trust us when we say that you can do this.....and that it will get easier, if you just stay the course.
  9. Already I can see how lucky this Quit Train is to have you as a "conductor". Congratulations on your fantastic accomplishment Reciprocity!
  10. Way to go Huntressd! Eight months quit is outstanding work. Keep it up.....and congratulations!
  11. Other than the anxiety you pretty much described my own symptoms coming off the Chantix. You're doing great by knowing that smoking will do nothing to help what you are feeling, quite the opposite. It will make you feel much much worse. Hang in there. You will very likely feel much better within a few days. And the anxiety might be exacerbated by losing your support group so suddenly. But we have a new one here! It's too bad you ran out, but the Chantix did what it was supposed to: it got you to the point where you now know you can do without smoking. You can take it from here Rory. In just a few short months you will likely before "over the hump" and everything will be so much easier. One day at a time. Deep breathing and cold water and exercise and hard candies. You know the drill.
  12. Good job Liz. I firmly believe that being a part of a "quitting community" like Quit Train, and committing to being active and contributing for a full year, is decisive in being successful in quitting.
  13. I remember your question Rory. Is your Chantix gone, or do you still have a few doses? (Which way did you decide to go?) How are you doing? No relapsing allowed. Coming off the Chantix is challenging, but very doable. I did it and so can you! Hang tough.
  14. Hi Huntressd. Glad you found us. This is going to be a nice place for us.
  15. Good morning. I pledge NOPE today.
  16. I am another one who worries about all the newbies losing their online support, and hope they are able to find their way here to this haven with some familiar names. I originally joined here in May of last year when QSMB went down then, and I was only 2 months quit, and I PANICKED. I was seriously in tears, I needed my support group and all my "quitting friends". Funny the connections we make during the throes of quitting.
  17. Hi Sparkzzz.
  18. Hi Roopy. This place has been terrific in welcoming us. Jump in and keep posting.
  19. Hi Liz, and welcome to your new nonsmoking life! I quit around my 60th birthday after a pack-and-a-half/two-packs-a-day habit that I indulged for about 42 years. I was the typical case of "but I'm more addicted than the rest of you", and "I truly enjoy/love smoking more than the rest of you". Hogwash, of course. Much reading and educating myself about the addiction, and learning coping mechanisms to get past the hurdles to quitting, and here I am almost a year later clean and clear and absolutely delighted with being a nonsmoker. Congratulations on your decision to quit. You can do this!
  20. I haven't done any reading there either. I'm off to do so. Thanks Reciprocity!
  21. Wekaj We newbies love hearing stories like yours Markus, it gives us faith in the future of what we're doing here. Congratulations, and thank you for thinking of us.
  22. You will succeed this time gitw! Four months is fantastic work and something to build your lifetime quit on. Congratulations and keep it up!
  23. Well shoot, Jane, congratulations on all your hard work anyway!
  24. That's wonderful Katie! I hope you are very proud of all your hard work. Congratulations on reaching 1 month of freedom!
  25. Welcome Kris! There seem to be so very many possible quit symptoms and as said above every person will be different in how they experience quitting. I would suggest spending all the time you can spare in reading about the addiction - the stickies found at the top of this Discussions page is an excellent place to start. Education is key for us to be able to succeed at this. You can learn there much about potential symptoms and how to overcome them. But it is very possible to succeed! Withdrawal symptoms are temporary. Living life smoke free is permanent.....and awesome.

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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