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Everything posted by Lin-quitting

  1. Well done Berk - you are on your way now! Two months quit is truly something to be proud of. Build on that and keep up the good work. Congratulations.
  2. That is wonderful Missdixie! Ten months is a sensational accomplishment and I hope you celebrate it today. Congratulations!
  3. Good morning. I pledge NOPE today.
  4. Hi hos! Glad to have you aboard.
  5. Well done Shane, and I hope you celebrate your milestone today! Congratulations on reaching 2 months of freedom!
  6. You are an amazing role model here on QT Boo, and I am grateful to have you here for your continuing support for everyone. Congratulations on your 2-year milestone!
  7. Yeah, I remember time just absolutely stopping there for the first couple months of my quit. My ticker just stood still and would not move (tickers are awesome Steve, you'll love having one when the site gets them up and running again. They're a powerful motivator.). But time IS marching on and you are getting stronger and better in your quit every hour and every day. Seven days is fantastic work! You can do this! You ARE doing this! (P.S. Won't you fill out your quit date on your profile page? It helps everyone to know where new member is in their quit.)
  8. We will be here for you Jo if you need us. And you know this: smoking won't help life's problems one little bit. It will make them worse. Sending good vibes and hugs.....
  9. Good morning. I pledge NOPE today.
  10. True ^^^ that. We've all been there Steve. And we hung tough and came out the other side and you can too, we promise. Hard candies, air cigs, exercise, sex, sleeping, pillow-punching.....do whatever you have to do to get through these first hours and days. You get stronger against the addiction every day you stay clean. It will get easier. But only if you don't smoke.
  11. Hi CAquitter, glad to have you join us. Quitting is absolutely the best thing you can do for your health - and your entire life - and I congratulate you on making that brave decision. Build on these first 4 days you have in. Read everything you can find time for about the addiction, as education is essential for us to overcome it. Learn why we live by the NOPE pledge. Plan some craving strategies. Quitting isn't easy, but it's very doable and might not even be as bad as you think. Welcome aboard. Stay in touch.
  12. Good morning. I pledge NOPE today.
  13. My absolute favorite quit-smoking-related quote: "There is nothing the addict loves so much as the possibility of a loophole." I've heard some doozies in my year of quitting. Our brains are capable of amazing justifications and lies. That you are recognizing this, this early in your quit, bodes well. It will arm you in your fight against the addiction. Please believe me when I say that you will eventually get to the point where the lies are easy to resist. It just takes time. Stay the course. One hour and one day at a time. You're doing super work Steve - 4 days is fantastic. Keep it up.
  14. You are working this quit like a boss Jetblack! Congratulations on reaching 5 months of smobriety.
  15. Well, there's no such thing as too much celebrating on here!
  16. Thank you Jimmy. I agree.
  17. Congratulations Mollie! I hope you celebrate your super accomplishment today.
  18. Five months Sparkzzz! You are doing this! Congratulations on a fantastic job of quitting.
  19. Hi Jordan. Huge congratulations on reaching 3 years quit. I'm glad that you are joining us.
  20. Hi Doug. You have found an amazing place to help you with your quit: these peeps understand what you will be going through and are ready and willing to help. Education about the addiction is essential to overcoming it. Read and/or watch videos every minute you can spare. Stay close and active here on Quit Train. Welcome aboard. I look forward to following your successful quit.
  21. Good morning. I pledge NOPE today.
  22. Hi Gabes, I'm also glad you've found your way here to us and still quit. You can't quit for your wife. It's too bad that it has to be that way, but it is. You are quitting for yourself and yourself only. You have your own excellent reasons for quitting. You are committed to quitting. So what anyone else in the world does around you really doesn't matter. If your wife smokes, then maybe you will have to be her good example. It's all you can do, quit for yourself but show her what life can be as a nonsmoker. Be strong, be tough. And hope that she sees how much better her life and health could be in joining you. It's all we can do with our loved ones. 2 m 2d 21h Gabe: you are on your way! You can do this. Talk to your wife about your quits.....and then keep up your work!
  23. I don't deserve all these kind words! I mean, you all are the reason I'm here celebrating today: I literally do not think I would have made it without you. I should be celebrating YOU , not the other way around. I don't have enough words tonight to express myself. I've been near tears several times today with what I think is sheer happiness at what I - and you my support group - have accomplished this last year. Silly, yes? But it's how I feel: quitting smoking has made me very very happy. So: thank you. Thank you friends old and new. Newbies: get to work. You can do this. You'll love it. It's worth whatever you have to go through.
  24. It feels amazing to pledge NOPE for the 365th day in a row.....and so I will! A big beautiful NOPE to commemorate one year of smobriety.
  25. Way to go Octain, you are doing amazing work! Congratulations on reaching 2 months quit.

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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