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    Sheffield, UK
  • Quit Date
    18 April 2017

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  1. NOPE!
  2. Not checked in for a while. Hope you're all well, especially the newbies. Quick update: Quit: April 2017 Smoked 25 - 30 Marlborough per day NOPE since quit. Saved about £48000 according to Smoke free app. The best thing: feel liberated and never think about having a ciggie! Health: BP gone from 160:105 to 120:80 Now addicted to keeping fit and active and healthy eating. Who've thought! First 6 months were hard. Gets easier. Keep at it newbies! It's the hardest thing to do. One day at a time. I'll never go back! NOPE. ClaireP1973
  3. You can do this! Keep at it. Quit cold turkey and it was awful for first 6-9 months. Never think about it now!
  4. Hi all - just a quick update. Gave up April 2017. Not had one puff since then. My smoke free app says I have saved £42,700! I never have cravings anymore. Just to say to you newbies...keep at it! NOPE
  5. Love you lot! Keep at it you newbies! I'm a bit tipsy in Barcelona....but don't want to smoke! NOPE! XXX
  6. Thanks everyone!! Sorry for late reply, but I have been busy celebrating in Barcelona...all paid for due to saving £12000 in 2 years through not smoking!!
  7. I hardly think about it anymore, even when leaving airports after a flight - I would spark up as soon as I got outside! For me the process was: Week 1 - hell on earth! Month 1 - as above! After 2 months, I was still getting triggers when I got in the car, off a train etc 6 months - the triggers were fewer 9 months - as above 1 year - so chuffed and felt liberated Now at nearly 2 years - I would never ever want to smoke again and the thought of it makes me feel rubbish I was on 30 a day, so if I could do it, you all can!
  8. Hi - I have just checked my Smoke Free app on my phone (which I would highly recommend!) and it says the following: Time smoke free: 1 year, 11 months and 21 days Money saved: £11,891 or £6022 per year Cigarettes not smoked: 21,620 - it's this figure that freaks me out! Life regained: 180 days Time spent not smoking: 75 days You can all do this! Claire
  9. Well done Beazel!
  10. Thought I'd check in to say hello and that for all you newbies, it does get easier - the first week is awful, the first few months are too! After about 8 or 9 months, I got a liberating feeling and now I no longer have cravings and rarely think about it. I do occasionally have dreams where I am smoking and then wake up and think - phew! On 18 April at 11.20am, I will be 2 years quit! Keep at it you lot! Claire x
  11. Hi Weegie - You will find it easier at the 1 year mark. I am the same about the number of fags that I haven't smoked! I bought my friend a packet yesterday and they were £12.45!! Bonkers!
  12. Hi Nikki Keep close to this board and you'll get support from the wonderful folk on this board. I got through the first week, by getting out walking and swimming. Do anything to take your mind off it. When you get a trigger, it won't last long until it goes away. Good luck!
  13. Thanks Joe. Just checking my smoke free app and it says the following: Money saved: £7251.00 (£5,639 per year) Cigarettes not smoked: 14079.06 Time not spent smoking in days: 48.89 Life regained days: 117.33 We've had some nice holidays this year!
  14. Hi all I haven't been on Quit Train for a while. I used this board all the time when I quit on 18 April 2017 and I found the support so helpful. I was just wondering how everyone is getting on. I also though I would leave a message to the newbies to say it really does get easier. I hardly think about it anymore, even when leaving airports after a flight - I would spark up as soon as I got outside! For me the process was: Week 1 - hell on earth! Month 1 - as above! After 2 months, I was still getting triggers when I got in the car, off a train etc 6 months - the triggers were fewer 9 months - as above 1 year - so chuffed and felt liberated Now - I would never ever want to smoke again and the thought of it makes me feel rubbish I was on 30 a day, so if I could do it, you all can! Anyway, let me know how your quits are going. Claire
  15. Keep at this - good work!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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